Finn the asshole

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Chapter 8

Finns pov

I am making out with Quinn, since we are back together. But in the corner of my eye, I see a short girl with long brown hair: Rachel. I see her sobbing into Kurts shoulder, I can't stand seeing her like that. So I go back to paying attention to Quinn.

About 5 minutes later I hear the warning bell to go to Glee, everyone is moving to their next class, but me and Quinn. We were just pulling away from out massive make out session. But in the corner of my eye I see Rachel grabbing a brown little bag that holds her blade! Is she cutting again? She can't be!! God please help her from cutting she doesn't deserve it!

Rachel's pov

As I walk away towards glee, I decide I will cut when I get home. I don't want Finn to think I'm doing terrible with out him. When that is absolutely true.  So just as I am heading back to my locker I hear footsteps behind me, I know who it was exactly:Finn. 

Rachel:what do you want?! (I say with attitude)
Finn: well, I saw you take out the bag with the blade in it, did you do it?
Rachel: no I didn't. I almost did, but I didn't (I say looking down at my feet)
Finn: good, I don't want you to get hurt.
Rachel: I don't understand why you care so much, I am just a loser seen by everyone in this school. Including your girlfriend. (I say with a tear slipping down my face)
Finn: you know I still love you right?
Rachel: no I don't, because you went back to Quinn. You always go back to Quinn. She cheated on you in the worst way possible, she had sex with your best friend. But when I kissed him, you freaked out at me and broke up with me! Do you ever think it's not fair to me, being thrown away from your life and you go back to that useless slut! Hudson, I am honestly just done. Can you please stop treating me like a hump and dump!
Finn: your not a hump and dump Rach...
She interrupts me
Rachel's: it's Rachel!
Finn: fine, your not a hump and dump Rachel. I did love you, and I still do but I don't want to break Quinn's heart.
Once he said that I burst into tears, my heart shattered.
Rachel: but your ok with breaking my heart? That's just cold (she is still crying)
Finn: I'm sorry Rachel I just needed a break, I never meant to hurt you
Rachel: sure you didn't, I got to go to glee
Finn: I will walk with you
Rachel: No! I need some time to myself, and no I will not be cutting.
Finn: ok, bye Rachel

I walk away from Finn, I can't take his ignorance. I honestly think I am done for the day. I walk to the exit of the school and open the doors.  I walk out and head to my car. I get in and head off to the grocery store to buy some liquor with my fake id. I am going to have a fun night tonight.

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