The reaction

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Chapter 11

Finns pov

Finn: why have you been cutting? And be honest
Rachel: I was, ummmm.... I was raped (says biting her lip and looking down at the ground)

Right there and then my eyes started to tear up. I was devastated. The person I truly love was hurt in the worst way possible.

Finn: When? Where? Why?
Rachel: it was two nights ago. At jesse's house? He is apparently still trying to get revenge at me for not sleeping with him. (Cries while says that)
Finn: Rachel are you okay? (Sobs)
Rachel: no, not really. (Sniffles) I feel so used. I felt so helpless... Yeah, I was drunk, but I remember it so clearly. I remember the pain of it all.
Finn: were you still a virgin before this happened?
Rachel: ...
Finn: oh my God Rach. (Sobs)

I can't take this anymore she got raped by this Lima loser Jesse st.jackass, he used my true love. He took advantage of the sweetest person in this world, and he fucking killed her spirit. He is going to pay for this, but at the moment I was just miserable for Rachel and I need to hug her. So I went for it, I hugged her.

She looked at me nervously, but then she gave into the hug and we were hugging for about 10 minutes. God did it feel good.

When we let go I was a little sad, it felt like I was at home.

Rachel's pov

When we let go, Finn got up and personal and kissed my cheek

Finn: I love you Rach, you know that right.
Rachel: I don't know about that, you broke up with me so many times after saying you loved me. And I just don't know if I believe you anymore.
Finn: trust me Rach I do
Rachel: ok, then I believe you. But I don't love you back just yet, it's kind of hard to trust people after being raped.
Finn: ok, at least you believe me

All of a sudden I hear a door being slammed shut. Was someone listening to my conversation! I don't want anybody to know I was raped!

I start pacing around on the stage

Finn: what's wrong Rach?
Rachel: I think someone was in here, I heard a door closed.
Finn: what so bad about someone being In here?
Rachel: well they will find out I was raped!
Finn: so, you told your parents and other friends, right
Rachel:  ....
Finn: you seriously didn't! They could get you a counselor to help you with the trauma
Rachel: I'm sorry I am just not comfortable
Finn: okay fine
Rachel: here's a question for you, you say you love me. But you haven't broken up with Quinn yet, are you going to do that anytime soon! Or not?

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