Do i look okay?

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Chapter  13

Rachel's pov

I honestly can't take his torture at school.  I'm honestly sick of it. It's not like I wanted to be raped, but now people have a reason to bully me. Even if its something I didn't want.

It's been about a month since everybody found out I was raped.

i have been so depressed.

I have cut every night since then

And my diet is still going strong.

I think that in the last month, I lost about 15 pounds, I'm pretty proud. I really hope that all the popular kids notice how skinny I'm getting. Is been a really tough journey, considering I haven't eaten in a month.

In this miserable time, I have pushed my friends aside. Well, except for Finn. He always tries to make me eat, but I never budge, I need to be skinny.

The worst part of this all is that Finn still hasn't broken up with Quinn.

I understand why he hasn't, look at her. Her long blonde hair, and green eyes. Her perfect skinny body. She is also talented. She may not be as good of a singer than me, but her dancing is way better than my dancing.

I think mr.schue may have an idea of what's happening to me. He always gives me sympathetic looks in glee club. He also always asks me if I want to have a solo. But I always say no. I don't have the courage anymore.

Anyways it's Friday and I just wanna go home, maybe Finn will come over to cheer me up.

Once I wake up, I do my morning ritual and put on grey leggings and a dark blue sweatshirt. I then grab my keys and head to my car. Missing breakfast.

When I get to school I head to Finn, I need to ask him if he can come over to watch a movie together, of course as friends.

Finn:hey rach
Rachel:hey Finn, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight to watch....

Someone cuts me off by slamming me into a locker. I am now on the ground looking up to see the one person I truly hate.

That person is

Quinn fabray

I honestly don't understand her thinking. She is smart, but she is a huge pain in the ass.

Anyways right when I look up at her, she slaps me.

Right away my hand touched my cheek, sense it stung.

It stung so much, I tried to hold in my tears. But it didnt work. Tears were streaming down my face.

Quinn:berry, stop being a whore and stand up for yourself. Don't jut sit there and cry bitch!
Rachel:stop calling me names (whispers)
Quinn: I can do what I want to do, your not the boss of me!
Rachel: ok (whispers)

I couldn't take it anymore, I looked up at Finn, still crying and ran off to the bathroom.

I can't do this anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now