The truth about rachel berry

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Chapter 14

Finns pov

Quinn:berry, stop being a whore and stand up for yourself. Don't jut sit there and cry bitch!
Rachel:stop calling me names (whispers)
Quinn: I can do what I want to do, your not the boss of me!
Rachel: ok (whispers)

Rachel runs away, to the bathroom

I can't believe what she just said that to Rachel, I should go help her but I have to do something first. Break Quinn's heart.

Finn:what is wrong with you?!?
Quinn:nothing, she deserves it
Finn: no, she doesn't. You don't know what she's been through!
Quinn: well I do, she's a slut
Finn: no she isn't, she was actually raped. She didn't want that to happen to herself. She always feels useless since everyone is making fun of her.
Quinn: well she must feel bad of herself if she doesn't make herself look pretty.
Finn: she doesn't do that because she spends most of her time crying. You know Quinn, she selfharms. Of all people you should know what it's like.
Quinn: what, what do you mean? She cuts?
Finn: yes, and that's because of you!
Quinn: I never thought of it that way...
Finn: and by the way we're over. I didn't want it to end this way, but your a bitch

I walk away from Quinn, happy that I finally broke up with her. And I go to find Rachel.

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