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Chapter 20

Emma Pilsbury's pov

It's about 3:00 when I get back to my office. As I walk in I see about 15 letters on my desk, there's a sticky note that tells me to give the letters to the owners and tell them not to open them until 5:00 along with a video.

As I walk to the choir room, I notice something different. There is no sign of any jocks harassing Rachel. That's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But Rachel is always getting bullied around this time. Maybe she's hurt. No no, that's not possible, she probably went home sick. As I calm myself down, I walk into the choir room.

Emma: may I speak with you will?

They walk into the hall

Will: what's wrong
Emma: nothing, I just wanted you to give these letters to your glee kids. It also has a sticky note telling them what to do.
Will: ok thanks
Emma: no problem will, see you
Will: bye

I give him the letters, I walk away, heading back to my office holding my letter. When I get there, I put the letter in my purse and get back to work.

Finns pov

When mr.schue gets back inside the room, he hands us letters and tells us what off of the sticky note. Once he says "search Rachel Berrys last song" I start to freak out, but I know that she would never kill herself. I know I'm helping her. No need to worry.

When glee is over, I go home and start my homework.

Short chapter, sorry once again. But I hope you liked the change of perspective.

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