Everybody hates me

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Chapter 16

Finns pov

Once I walk away from Quinn and her bullshit, I am proud. I am proud to say that I had the guts to stand up to, my now ex-girlfriend, and break up with her.

I am honestly so happy, cus now I can be with Rachel.

After about 5 minutes I am face to face with the girls bathroom, I hear sobbing and screaming coming from the bathroom and run in.

Once I walk in I see Rachel, against the bathroom wall. She has her razor almost against her wrist, her face is all red and puffy from crying.

Finn: please don't do this.

Rachel's pov

10 minutes earlier

I am running away from the beast (Quinn), that just slapped me. I knew that she was an ass, but I never thought she would actually slap me. I honestly thought she had the old Quinn inside of her. I honestly remember when she was pregnant in sophomore year, she was so nice. She was so kind and sweet at school. Who knows if she was an actual monster at her house, nobody would. Well except puck. He actually helped a lot when she was pregnant.

I honestly think puck loved her, i could see it in his eyes. He would always be amazed by him. But with Quinn, I think she just thought he knocked her up. She didn't know what to think of him because she was drunk when he "made love to her."

Anyways I go to my locker and grab my razor. I run to the bathroom, not caring who sees me crying with the razor in my hand. (The razor is not in the bag).

As I get to the bathroom, I throw the razor in the sink. Then I head to the toilet, I head to the toilet to throw up. I want to at least be skinny for my funeral.

I make myself throw up for about 3 minutes. I know what your thinking, that's so gross. It is, too be honest. But I need to be skinny. This isn't even bad, considering I have been through hell!

I am crying so hard, I just want to disappear. I don't deserve to be here, I deserve to be in hell. I'm just a piece of shit that's in this earth. I'm useless, and I don't even deserve myself. For gods sake, it's been about a month and fun hasn't broken up with Quinn. I guess he just gave up on me too.

I then grab the razor out of the sink, I slowly sit down against the bathroom wall. I then put the razor up to my wrist, not dragging it yet. I start screaming while crying, cus I'm so hurt and I feel used by Quinn.

All of a sudden, a tall figure steps into the bathroom and stares down at me.

It's Finn, what is he doing here?

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