The decision

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Chapter 17

Finns pov

I start to tear up looking at what Quinn Has done to her. It's not fair, Rachel is getting so much hate for what she can't control. She doesn't deserve it, she is an amazing human being and deserves to be loved.

Finn: Rach
Rachel: what do you want?
Finn: I want to tell, you that...

I shouldn't tell her I wanna date her yet, I want it to be romantic.

Finn: I want to tell, you that your my best friend. And I'm planning on breaking up with Quinn soon
Rachel: okay, good (looks down at floor)
Finn: okay bye!
Rachel: bye

Rachel's pov

When he walks out, I cry, I'm so hurt I can't do this anymore. I'm a strong person, but I just don't have any courage left. I decide I'm not going to cut at school, I'm going to save it for when I'm at home alone. I can't be on this planet anymore, I just can't.

Right there and then I decide, today is going to be the last day the one and only Rachel Berry is going to be alive.

Short chapter, sorry not sorry

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