Is this it?

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Chapter 25

Kurts pov

Finn grabs the key and unlocks the door. Finn and i look to our left to see a lifeless body in the bathtub. She has cuts up and down her arms and legs. We look to my right and see multiple pill bottles empty.

Finn starts to freak out and pace back and forth, while i walk to the bathtub with tears all over my face. I slowly turn off the water while staring at my best friends corpse.

Kurt: finn, do you mind helping me save rachel.
Finn: no, i dont mind

He walks to the bathtub and picks her up bridal style.

Kurt: come on, lets go to the hospital
Finn: okay

We walk out her cluttered house. And we walk to my car. I have to open the back door for finn, he has his hands full. Then i run to the drivers side and hop into the car.

We get the hospital about 10 minutes later and finn runs in right away, hoping his love is still alive.

Finns pov

I run inside the emergency room with rachel in my arms. As soon as i run in, a nurse brings a gurney right to me. I am crying right now as they bring her behind these mysterious doors of possibly death.

This may be the last time i am seeing rachel berry, my true love.

This book is over. But there WILL be a sequel, its called "It gets better"

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