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This is not an update on this story, but it is for my other stories and my life.  

First I want to apologize for not posting since August.  I have been extremely busy starting high school, and I pretty much have tests and quizzes everyday.  And my parents will kill me if I have bad grades.  So sorry about that. 

I am starting to make this account more than a glee story account.  Yesterday I uploaded a new story.  It was an ARROW fanfic about Olicity and I am obsessed!  I think that it is going to turn out to be an amazing story.  It is called ¨You Saved Me." But the thing is that I need more views and votes.  Maybe more comments.  I love when you guys are active, as long as I am.  Also tell your friend about my stories, if they like glee, Arrow, or any of the other shows I have listed in my bio.  We can also talk so send me messages.  I love talking to you guys about my favorites TV shows.  Another thing, I will update my glee story more often.  Right after I upload this, I am going to upload the new part to my other glee story. Finally I wanted to tell you guys was that I am not going to have a schedule.  I feel that when ever I have a schedule I never feel like posting.  But when I do not have a schedule, I feel like Im in control and I am not as stressed out of having to write and post.  

That is pretty much it for my Update on everything. Thanks, Love you guys! <3

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