Writing the letters

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Chapter 18

Rachel's pov

It's about 9:30 in the morning and after about 10 more minutes of crying, I run out of the bathroom. There's nobody in the halls, so it's easy to run out of the school and to my car. Once I get to my car, I speed to my house.

When I get there I run up to my room and set my bag on my desk. I grabbed about 15 pieces of paper , a pen and my golden star stickers. I was going to write my goodbye letters to all of the people that are apart of my life, even if their the ones who caused me to do this.

Dear Quinn,
You were the schools biggest bitch. You treated me with no respect. And that really bothered me because I looked up to you so much. You were a pretty, popular,blonde cheerleader that was in the glee club. You kept your grades to all a's which made me jealous as well. You are so perfect, that you wouldn't even try to be my friend. You just bullied me every single day and never stopped. That's why your one of the top reasons I'm doing this.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Mercedes,
You were one of my best friends in sophomore year when we were the first 5 apart of the glee club. We were like two peas in a pod. But then a couple months later you got distant. You got so distant because you wanted to be popular. So when Quinn needed somewhere to live when she was pregnant, you said she could live with you. And that's what she did. You got so distant that one day at school you actually threw a slushy at me. God did that hurt me.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Noah,
You are just a plain nasty bully. Your a huge asshole that deserves to go to hell, enough said. But you also throw slushies at me and you threw me in the dumpster a couple of times. You were a huge reason why I did this.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Sam,
You throw slushies along side of puck. That hurts you know. Anyways, it also hurt a lot when you rejected me when I asked if you wanted to go out.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Artie,
You didn't do anything bad to hurt me, but you didn't do anything to help me either. That just hurts knowing you don't care.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Mike,
You were on the football team and You didn't do anything bad to hurt me, but you didn't do anything to help me either. I thought you were better than that.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Tina,
We used to be really close last year. But then you started dating Mike, you ignore me and make fun of my blabber mouth. Don't let me ruin you and mike, but I just wished you cared more about me.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Brittany,
You were a really good friend, we may not have been close. But you never hurt me in any way, and I am glad for that. I hope you will be a good unicorn without me.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Ms.Pilsberry
You were always there for me when I needed help, and I am proud to say you made my life better. I thank god every night that I had you to talk to. I am sorry that I am giving up. But of all people you should know I have been trying to stay strong forever now. But I'm just tired of fighting, it's too much work. I'm sorry.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Mr.Schue,
I'm sorry I'm leaving right before sectionals, I know you need me. But I am not strong enough to be here. Nobody believed in me, except for you. And I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful that I got to meet you, because you made my life better.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Santana,
You are the bestest friend I could ever wish for. You and Kurt of course. But I am so thankful that I have had you here with me. I am sorry that I made your rep go down, but now that I am gone, your rep will go up again. I am so happy that I can stop fighting, I can't be here anymore you know it. I have been so weak with all of the bullying. It's been non-stop. I know your going to miss me, but I have to go. I love you so much Santana.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Kurt,
You are my bestest gay friend, don't tell Blaine that. Anyways I am sorry that I am leaving you so early, I know that you wanted to go to New York with me. I also knew that you wanted to go to NYADA with me. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go to those places with you. But you know I have to leave this world. You have seen the way I have been hurt, physically and emotionally. I wish i wouldn't leave, but have you seen me. I haven't been happy in months. And I just want to be in a better place where people won't call me fat or man hands. Anyways, I love you Kurt.
Rachel Berry ⭐️

Dear Finn,
I honestly think I am going to miss you the most. You know that I love you and you love me, but I don't understand why you won't breakup with Quinn. She is the biggest asshole on this planet. She made me do all this crap to myself. Anyways more about us than about Quinn. I just want you to know that I will love and miss you so much. Don't wait for me, you deserve way better than a fat, short girl with a beak nose. But, this isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later (in 60-70 years).
Rachel Berry⭐️

When I finish my letters to the glee club, it's 1:00pm and I head to the school in my car. I have to send these to Ms.Pilsbury, so she can send them to their original owners.

Here's a long chapter for you!

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