Back at it again

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Rachel's pov

So it's been 3 months since I have cut my wrists. I still have the scars but no scabs. I'm so proud of myself, I never thought I could be clean for 3 months straight. But I have to admit I do miss the blade touching my skin. Honestly, it was so addicting. But I am so happy to have Finn, he has helped me get through these last 3 months. I still keep a secret blade in my locker if I'm feeling down. But I haven't used it, not even once. I have been feeling down, but Finn has been protecting me from the bullies.

At school

Finn and I walk together, hand in hand, down to the choir room. But on the way there I see Dave korafsky and some other of his team mates on the football team holding slushies. Finn and I try to hide our faces but they see us. Half of the team mates throw them at Finn, that's when I start to get pissed.

Rachel: You guys are jerk! Go to hell!
Korafsky: mind your own business hobbit
Rachel: no! And if you throw that a-
He cuts her off
Korafsky: shut your beak Berry!
He throws the other slushies at Rachel. She sobs and runs to her locker grabbing a change of clothes and her secret razor in the pile of clothes.
Finn is chasing her. Both Finn and Rachel are covered in slushy, but Finns not crying.

I go to the bathroom and run in a stall. Finn is banging on the bathroom stall yelling for her to come out

Finn: come out now, please Rach

Finns pov

She doesn't respond back to me. I'm starting to get worried, but what should I be worried about. She doesn't have a razor with her. I calm down, but start freaking when I here a scream coming from the stall.

Rachel's pov

I roll my sleeves up and take the razor in my hand, touching it to my wrist. I feel a tingle of happiness. Then I press and slide the razor. ( remember I got hit by a slushy)
I forgot I am still covered and slushy and scream as the red dye number seven enters the cut I just created.

Finn: are you ok babe?!?! He screams
Rachel: *wimpers*
Finn: Rach!!!

Finns pov

I notice there was blood droplets on the stall ground. I start freaking out. Where did she get the razor? Her dads took them all away from her.

I start to run into the locked stall door trying to make it open. It doesn't budge. So I text puck

Come to the girls bathroom asp!-f
I'm on my way.-p

5 minutes later

I see puck enter the bathroom.
I tell him to help me open the door. Then we hear screams

It's Rachel again

Pucks Pov

I hear screams

Puck: who Is that?
Finn: Rachel, she is cutting *points at the bloody ground*

Omg we have to open this stall, so we get a running start and run to the door. We opened it.

Rachel's pov

I see a tired Finn and puck staring down at me and my bloody wrists and my sobbing self. I just want to die

Finns pov

I see a sad Rachel sobbing kneeling on the ground and her bloody wrists. I thought she was done doing that.

I grab her hand and give her a long hug. Puck just stands there in shock.
I kiss her forehead and we walk off to glee forgetting about her bloody wrists.


We walk into the choir room and everybody is staring at us. I'm covered in as much blood as Rachel because we hugged.

We walk into the 2 front chairs in glee. Then mr.schue calls us up.

Schue: what's wrong *whispers*
Finn: Rachel cut herself again *whispers*
Schue: ok, do you need anything Rachel?
Rachel: no, thank.

We walk to our seats and we see Santana almost crying, seeing Rachel all broken on the inside and outside. Then we see Quinn and Mercedes laughing and smiling at Rachel.

Quinn: you finally took our advice hobbit
Finn: Quinn your a bitch
Santana: don't make me go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass!
Mercedes: Quinn's right *she snickers*
Schue: guys stop it! Detention Quinn and Mercedes!
Quinn and Mercedes: *groan*

Rachel gets up, but I stop her. She looks at me and whispers,
Rachel: let me go, I deserved to die*sobs*
Finn: just stop your the most amazing human being I have ever met.
Rachel: Finn just let me go....
Finn: no *kisses her*

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