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Chapter 5

Rachel's pov

I have been feeling down lately. Finn has been distant and I don't know why. We have been dating for 6 months without any cheating or fighting, and I am happy about that. But I feel like he is keeping something from me. I think I am going to ask him what's wrong.

Finns pov

I feel like such a jerk... I cheated on Rachel.
I still can't believe I did that, it was at a party that puck was hosting and there were a lot of Cheerios there. And let's just say I had sex with Brittany. What, you can't blame me. She kept on giving me beers when I said that I didn't want any. She was literally shoving them down my throat. But I don't know what to tell Rachel. I honestly love her so much but I don't want to hurt her.

At school

Rachel's pov

I walk up to Finn and tap his shoulder.

Rachel:hey finny
Finn: hey Rach what's up?
Rachel: we need to talk... *looks at feet*
Finn: what's wrong... *brings Rachel's head up looking straight in his eyes*
Rachel's: I noticed that you have been distantly lately, and I just wanted to know if I did something wrong.
Finn: you didn't do anything wrong.
Rachel: good *smiles*
Finn: not so good, Rachel I think we need a break... *frowns*
Rachel: you said I didn't do anything wrong *cries*
Finn: you didn't do anything wrong... I did, see ya rachel
Rachel: *cries, and walks up to kurt*

I walk up to Santana at her locker and give her a hug from behind

Rachel: I need a best friend right now *sobs*
Santana: everything will be ok, shh Rach it's ok
Rachel: why does he always make me feel so happy for the first few months, then he breaks me
Santana: cause he is an asshole, he doesn't deserve you
Santana: I have to go sweetie see you in glee
Rachel: see you*sobs*

Time for glee

Still Rachel's pov

The halls are empty, and I hear the warning bell. Everyone is in glee now, but me. I go to my locker and grab my purse that has my razor in it. I run to the bathroom. I cut and cut and cut. Their little cuts so nobody knows Im hurting. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot.

Mr.shue's pov

Mr.schue:Good morning class, this weeks theme is going to be mashups. Split up into girls and boys

I notice Rachel isn't here, that's unusual...

Then I look at Kurt

Mr.schue: Kurt your on the boys team

Once kurt gets to the other team, I hear a gunshot ring out

All the kids are screaming and crying. Then I remember Rachel is not here...

Mr.schue: kids go on your social media's and tell your followers there is a school shooting. But don't tell them where you are, shooters have social media's too

Santanas pov

Mr.schue once again tells kurt to go to the boys team, but the difference is that a gunshot rings out.

I look around seeing if anyone is missing, then I notice the person who is missing is my best friend.


I text Finn and Kurt

Rachel's not here!!! -S
What?!?? -K
Where is she?? I have to go get her!! -F
You can't, you will put us in danger! -S
Who cares I can't live with out Rachel! -f
Says the person who broke her heart. Bitch! -K
Oh no you didn't! When this is over I with go all Lima heights on your sorry ass! -S

Finns pov

Ignores Santana's last text message

I have to go get Rachel, she can't die. I LOVE HER...

I get up and run to the door, I try to open it but mr.schue stops me.

Schue: your putting us all at risk
Finn: come on let me go I love her!! *screams*
Schue: you can't... Please Finn
Finn: trust me mr.schue I can do this *gets out of grip and opens the door*

I hear another gunshot

Rachel's pov

After I hear the gunshot I decide that I am just done. I can't just live a miserable life where I have two friends and my boyfriend keeps on breaking up with me for no reason. I can't do it anymore. So I put away my razor, and I get out of the girls bathrooms. I try to find the shooter, I want to die.

But before, I throw up then I walk to my locker seeing if the person was there. they weren't. So I just kept on walking around the whole school. Suddenly I am face to face with the gun. The person holding it is near girls bathroom. The guy has curly brown hair and a goofy smile on his face.

It's Jesse st.jackass.

Jesse: I can see you finally found me
Rachel: please save the talking I'm begging you
Jesse: ok, but one more thing. Next time just have sex with me
Rachel: shoot me please, I'm begging you. *i roll up my sleeves revealing my scars I look right and left. And I see Finn crying as he stares at Jesse and me*

He shoots me once

Then twice

I black out

Finns pov

I walk around the school too many times,
she must be hiding in a bathroom stall or something. As I turn around getting on my way to get to the choir room, I see Rachel and Jesse. I see that Jesse is holding a gun. Am I seeing things? A gun?
He is pointing it at her.

Jesse: I can see you finally found me
Rachel: please save the talking I'm begging you
Jesse: ok, but one more thing. Next time just have sex with me
Rachel: shoot me please, I'm begging you.

He shoots once

Then twice.

One bullet was in her shoulder
And the other one was shot in her leg

Wow is he bad at aiming, stop think of that. The girl you love has just passed out!

Jesse drops the gun

But before rachel falls to the ground I see her staring at me. Her facial expressions were saying "this is your fault Finn"

I notice that Jesse doesn't notice me so I run up to him and punch him so many times he blacks out.
Then I throw the gun across the room.

I go to Rachel and pick her up bridal style, and run to the choir room.

When I get there I whisper,"I have Rachel! Open up. She's shot!"

Mr.schue opens the door and see's Rachel's injuries.

Everyone is screaming worriedly

But I'm the most worried person in the room.

I'm a mess, I'm crying and screaming.

The worst part is












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