Do i still love him?

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Chapter 7

Finns pov

I turn around in the door way and say: I'm not going to give up on you Berry, not yet at least.

I walk out of the room with tears running down my face and then I get to my old rusty blue truck. I see a note on it reading," I love you so much Finn❤️ -Quinn"

I suddenly freak out when I see the note because I have little feelings for Quinn. This is because Quinn cheated on me in Freshman year with my best friend. The bad ass of all the bad asses, Noah Puckerman. I honestly couldn't believe he would do that to me at the time, but now I understand now because he has slept with almost all girls in our school. Every year he sleeps with almost all the new freshmen, and we're  in our junior year.

Anyways when I see that note Quinn wrote, I grab it and stare at it for a while deciding what to do. I then put it in my pocket.

I then Get into my truck and drive off to my house.

When I get home I see Kurt standing at the door looking worried. I get out of my truck and walk up to Kurt.

Kurt: how is she
Finn:She is great
Kurt: good, I was so worried
Finn: besides the fact that she hates me
Kurt: she will come around eventually, you really hurt her. Trust me she came a runnin to me right after you broke up with her.
Finn: now I feel like a big jerk
Kurt: it's fine trust me. Anyways, do you think you will be single until she comes around?
Finn: well I am still dating Quinn, well sort of... But I don't want to hurt Quinn like I did with Rachel.
Kurt: well you can't wait for Rachel forever, you have to be happy too. I support your decision.
Finn: thanks Kurt

------------------------------the next day

Rachel's pov

So the nurses let me leave last night. So I decided that I needed to keep up my perfect attendance record, so I decided to go to school the next day (I was in the hospital on the weekend, the shooting happened on Friday).

I'm getting ready and I decide to actually make myself look decent and like the old me. So I put on my plaid skirt and animal sweater, I curl my hair and put little makeup on (mascara, and concealer so that I don't look like I have been crying).

I go downstairs and feel a pain in my stomach, and I run to the toilet. I throw up.
I am starting to get nervous because I haven't stopped puking since I woke up from my coma, so I leave a mental note to ask Kurt if I'm ok. He always helps me solve my problems, he is my only friend for god sake.

My dads aren't home, once again because they needed to get back to their business trip. So instead of eating breakfast I play candy crush on my phone.

When I finish playing I look at the time, and notice it's time to go to school. I walk out the door and drive off to school.

When I get to school I wait five minutes in my car giving my self confidence say, I can do this.

I then walk out of my car and walk into the school with a fake smile plastered onto my face.  Once I walk into the doors of the school, I walk to my locker and Kurt is there. His locker is right next to mine.

Rachel: hey Kurt
Kurt: oh my god Rach! Hi, how are you. I missed you so much!
Rachel: I am fine I guess, I just want to keep my perfect attendance record perfect. So I'm here.
Kurt: I am so glad you are here Rach.
Rachel: me too I guess
Kurt: I wouldn't  look behind you if I were you

I look behind me and I see Finn making out with Quinn at her locker.

I suddenly burst down crying on the floor, leaning against the lockers. Kurt kneels down next to me hugging me. I honestly have no idea why I am crying, he was dating Quinn before I went into the coma. But I guess I still love him.

Kurt: it's going to be okay sweetie, it's going to be okay.
Rachel: it obviously isn't going to be okay. I thought I was over him, and I really did think that. But now, I'm not sure. I think I still love him.

I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get my blade out. I was in too much pain.

I stopped crying and said,
Rachel: Kurt, I'm going to wash up in the bathroom. See you in Spanish
Kurt: okay, do you want any help with your makeup? I could come with you
Rachel: no, it's okay. I will see you in a few minutes, tell mr.shue that Im in the restroom.
Kurt: okay bye Rach. Feel better

Once Kurt walks away I grab my little brown bag that holds my blade, my best friend. Then I head to the bathroom.

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