Last goodbyes

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Chapter 19

Rachel's pov

When I arrived at the school, I parked my car and headed inside. (It was about 2:00pm). I went to Ms.Pilsbury's office to find her not there. I put the envelopes on her desk, and wrote on a sticky note. I wrote "give these letters to each of the owners. Tell them to not open this until they are at home alone, at 5:00pm. Also tell them to go on YouTube live and search 'Rachel Berrys last song'. Thanks you"

I leave and head to the choir room knowing that mr.schue will be on his break in there.

I walk in and see him standing there looking for sheet music.

Rachel: hi mr.schue
Mr.schue: hi, how are you? Why weren't you at glee club?
Rachel: I'm okay. I wasn't at glee club because I want feeling good. But I had to give something to ms.pilsbury.
Mr.schue:that's nice, why are you here then?
Rachel: because I just wanted to say goodbye to you

I start to walk away

Mr.schue: what do you mean "goodbye"?!?

I walk out of the door before I have time to answer his question.  I head home, preparing myself for my last day here on the planet earth.

Short chapter, sorry

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