Its time to move on... Or is it

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Chapter 3

Rachel's pov

It's been 2 months since Santana caught me trying to cut myself in the bathroom, and I'm still not over Finn... But I am also 2 months strong.

I also met someone, his name is Jesse st.james and he is handsome as ever. He is totally into me.
We have been dating for a month and I am happy as ever. I don't feel fireworks when I kiss him, like I did with Finn, but it's close enough. Everyone knows I'm never getting back together with Finn.

Tonight I have Date with Jesse and he is cooking for me. He is cooking me my favorite vegan salad. I get ready for my date with Jesse and slip on a tight little short dress and 3 inch black heels. And you may be thinking, why are you dressing like that Rachel? My answer is that I have changed the way I looked after Finn dumped me for Quinn. I want him to see what he is missing out on.

At Jesse's house

Still Rachel's pov

I walk in and smell the most delicious aromas consisting of dress lettuce and homemade croutons. I can already tell this dinner date will be amazing.

Jesse: welcome babe *he says and kisses my cheek*
Rachel: thanks *i say blushing up at him*

It's 7:00 and He takes my hand and pulls me to the dinner table. I smile at him and sit down.

When we finish our meal, I thank him and we walk to the front door. He opens the door and kisses me goodnight. But it turns to more than that. I walk away and he follows me, he grabs my shoulder and kisses my soft spot on my neck. I let out a moan and notice what he is trying to do.

Jesse: I want you Rach, please trust me.
Rachel: I told you that I wanted to take it slow!
I sob

I run to my car. But then I remembered I forgot something. I walked back up to him and slapped him.
Rachel: we're threw! I scream and sob at the same time.

I run back to my car and pull out of his driveway

Later that night

It was 8:00 when I got to Finns house, I know he would never take me back. But I just need at least a hug of comfort from him. I pull up to his house and turn off the gas.

I text him

Are you home? R

Yeah I am why? Is something wrong?!? F

No, I just need somebody to cheer me up. I've had a rough night. R

Ok when will you be here? F

In 5 min. R

Five minutes later

I walk to the door with tears sliding down my face. I knock on the door and it opens.

Rachel: hi

I suddenly feel the urge to hug him right away. My feelings are all screwed up. I don't now what to feel anymore.

Our hug lasted for more than 5 minutes. I missed it. And when I mean I missed it, I mean I missed it... ALOT.

Finn: what's wrong Rach?
Rachel: well long story short I was dating this guy named Jesse, and we have been dating for a month right...
Finn: right
Rachel: well he kissed me goodnight after our date but he pulled me back *i try sobbing quietly* and he started making out with. This is when I noticed he is just using me for sex. *i sob the last 4 words the loudest*
Finn: you will be ok trust me
Rachel: you said that last time, and where did that get me, huh? I was cutting myself because of you do you not notice that Finn!
Finn: I'm sorry, like I have said a million times before.
Rachel: you just don't get it, when your ex boyfriend and his evil girlfriend make fun of you everyday for 2 years straight it gets old. You tell yourself your going to be ok, but after years of them making fun of you start to believe what their saying is true. That your ugly as shit, or you should have never been born! I scream at him
Finn: I never thought of it that way...

Finns pov

Finn: I never thought of it that way...
Rachel: yeah, it gets so old that you have to actually hurt yourself because you want to die a painf-

I cut her off, I can't stand her talking like this. Inside I feel so happy to be with her or even near her. I honestly wish I could break up with Quinn she is a bitch to me and everyone else at this school.

I can't take it anymore, I cut her off with a big kiss crashing into her lips. We both deepen the kiss getting more into it. We do nothing but make out.

After we finish making out, we just snuggle on the couch and watch tv. After a little while it is 11:00 and she leaves.

As fast as I can I grab my cell phone and text Quinn " we're over"

I hope you enjoyed this Finchel chapter. Well if you haven't guessed it, their back together woot woot! Finchel is endgame. Anyways hope you enjoyed. It would help me a lot if you told your friends about this. Honestly I would be so thankful. Btw I do not own any of the glee characters!

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