Drinking my feelings

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Chapter 9

Rachel's pov

After I buy the liquor I go home and drink.  I drink my feelings, including my sadness. It's now about 5 and I got home at 2. Don't worry I wasn't drinking the whole 3 hours, I only drank for about 30 minutes. I am going to get more drunk when I go to this club, I can't handle being sad and miserable all the time.

3 hours later

It's about 8 now and I decide that it's time to go. I grab my fake id and cash. I am going to get so wasted tonight.

At the club

I walk up to the door and I see two security guards. I casually walk up to them and they check my id. They let me in right away.

Once I walk in, I head to the bar part of the club in about an hour I am already drunk with about 5 bottles of beer already in my system. I now decide that it's time to go to the dance floor.

The music is blasting and I am having a lot of fun dancing with and grinding on random older men. Most of the people would call me wasted, because I really am.  I am laughing like a lunatic while doing so, I am the happy drunk.

While I am dancing, I accidentally hit someone in the face when I was dancing.

Rachel: I am so sorry (I say to the guy with the brown curly hair and blue eyes)
?: it's okay, accidents happened. Wait, Rachel is that you? (He says with a sneaky grin on his face)
Rachel: yeah I'm Rachel

Is that Jesse?

Rachel: and you are Jesse right? I am sorry, but I am so wasted right now. (I say groggily) Jesse: yeah, it's me. What are you doing out here it's a school night.
Rachel: so, I don't care. I needed to get out of reality, it sucks.
Jesse: same, we'll do you want anything to drink?
Rachel: yeah of course I do
Jesse: I will pay, I will be right back
Rachel: ok

Jesse's pov

I knew Rachel was going to be here, I knew that she would want to leave reality and drink her sadness away. I have been coming here every night waiting for her to show, I have a plan.

I walk up to the bar and ask for a glass of tequila and milk. The bartender hands it to me, I grab a packet of white powder out of my pocket. I the package is crushed sleeping pills. I need to get revenge on her for not having sex with me.  I need her.

I pour the packet in the drink, I grab the stirrer and mix the powder into the drink. When all the powder is dissolved I walk back to Rachel and throw away the stirrer.

Rachel's pov

When Jesse comes back he gives me my favorite drink: tequila and milk. I take the drink and chug it down. At first it tasted weird, it was a little sour. But I ignored it, I couldn't be sober until a while. I hate crying.

The only thing I remember is my eyes slowly closing and it becoming dark and black.

The next morning

When I woke up I was exhausted and my stomach felt queasy because of the drinking. But as I stand out of the bed to go to my bathroom, I notice that I am not in my bedroom. I also notice that there is another human in that bed, Jesse. I then look down at myself, I am wearing no clothes.

I quickly get out of the bed, find my clothes trying not waking up Jesse. I put them on and run out of his house quietly. But as I am running home I am crying hysterically because

I, Rachel Berry has been raped.

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