Chapter 2: New

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Kennedy King:

"Let me guess, you're back at your place?" Justin sighs into the phone.

"Mhm. I need to get a change of clothes, Justin." I chuckle. I hold my phone between my shoulder and ear as I rummage through my drawers.

"Just wear something of mine. You don't need a change of clothes." He huffs and I can already see the stubborn look on his face.

I roll my eyes at him instead of responding. "How was your day?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Good. I went to the studio to finish up some of the album. I'm almost done." He excitedly says and I smile widely, "that's great!"

"Mhm. How was your day?"

"Fine. Kinda boring. I have so much work to do." I groan. I'm always so stressed from the thought of all the work I have to do for my classes.

"Awe. Are you coming over tonight?" He asks and I shake my head no, forgetting that he couldn't see me.

"No. I'm staying here tonight. I don't feel like driving over."

"I need to go, I'm getting lunch." Justin says into the phone and I sigh, "okay. See you." And I hang up.

I change my clothes and pack a spare bag with some clothes incase Justin makes me come by to his place later on this week.

I pull out my laptop and start to continue my paper for Professor Samuels class.

About three hours later there's a knock on my door and I frown. Should I open it? I ask myself, glancing down at my panda pyjama pants and tank top. My hair is in a messy ponytail and I have my reading glasses on.

I quickly redo the ponytail and remove my glasses, rubbing my tired eyes. I'm always tired recently.

Slowly, I open the door and smile when I see Justin there, holding two large paper bags. "I come in peace." He smiles holding them up.

"Great, I'm starving." I open the door wider so he can walk in.

He kisses my cheek and I close the door behind him.

Justin sets down the food on the coffee table where my laptop was and peers over at the screen. "Woah... That's a lot of words."

"Yep," I sigh. "I still have a lot more to write."

"Why don't you just... Quit uni and do something else then?" He asks, searching through the bag. He pulls out a small container with noodles inside.

I roll my eyes at his words, "because not all of us have amazing talents and have a networth of 190 million." I tell him. "200 million actually," he corrects with a grin.

I wave him off and plop down onto the couch and he hands me a container with orange chicken and i grin.

"By the way, we're going on a double date with Vanessa and Austin this weekend." I tell him. Vanessa booked a reservation at some restaurant this weekend. "Gotcha. Is it formal?"

"Not really. Just dress nice." He nods.

Vanessa, Lee (Ashley Tisdale), Alexandra and I are all still super close. Lee and Chris are still dating and Alex is seeing someone named Logan. He's nice.

Out of no where he asks, "How do you handle all this work? Uni seems like so much work." He says and I shrug, "personally, I like it. I'm planning for my future and the frat parties are awesome."

He raises an eyebrow at me, looking surprised, "You go to frat parties? Since when?" He didn't seem upset, more confused.

"Ever since Grace dragged me. I only went once, don't worry. Not really my scene." I chuckle remembering how everyone was drunk off their butts.

"That's the Kennedy I know." He mumbles lowly and I lightly slap his bicep. "I can be fun!" I yell, almost hitting myself in the face with my chopstick as I waved it around.

Justin picks up my reading glasses and places it on my face, "mhm. You are as fun as a square."

I snort at his comment and remove my glasses.

We eat and I'm cruising through the channels. Nothing good really shows on a Monday night. I click on some soccer game and leave it there.

"So... Have you heard from Ashley?" Justin asks out of nowhere.

I choke on my chicken and he pats my back, handing me a bottle of water.


"It's okay." He assures me.

"Um, no. I haven't.." Truth be told, Ashley sort of disappeared off the face of the planet.

She just... Disappeared out of nowhere. I've tried calling and texting her, but she never answers and I sort of just gave up.

I'm sure she's fine though since apparently she's in contact with our mother, Rosaline, and only her.

Strange, yes, surprising, no.

Knowing Ashley, she's always up to something.

She hasn't forgiven me for outing out our little swap. She was extremely pissed off with me.


A knock at the door cuts him off, "you should get that." He sighs and I slowly get up from the couch.

When I open the door I'm shocked to see the same boy from my uni class,
holding a plate with tinfoil on it. "Um, hi?"

He smiles, "hey it's you!"


Okay, this is awkward.

"Um, I'm Cody." He introduces. "And I'm Zach," I blurt out of nowhere, covering my mouth with my hands right after I said it.

He has an amused look on his face and I can feel my face going a bright red. "Sorry... I'm Kennedy. Can I help you?"

"Nah," he flicks his dark hair out of his bright eyes, "I just moved into the building and I'm giving cookies to everyone. Here ya go." He hands a plate right over and I look down at tinfoil covering it.

"Thanks.. Erm, welcome to the building. Are you on this floor?" I ask.

Cody nods, pointing to the door right across from mine.

"Cool," I nod. "See you in class?" I ask and he nods, walking away. I slowly close the door and enter my livingroom.

Justin is still eating his eyes on the T.V screen until I enter the room. "Who was it?"

"My new neighbour. He brought cookies." I tell him, peaking under the tinfoil.

They went from chocolate to oatmeal to smarties cookies and whatnot.

"They look good." Justin nods and I hand him the plate. He picks one up and starts to chew, moaning a bit.

"Are they really that good?" I ask and he nods his head enthusiastically. He hands over a cookie and I bite into it, almost moaning at the taste myself. They're really good.

"so what were you saying before?" I ask, finishing the rest of the cookie.

"Oh, I was just asking if you really had to go to university. Like you don't have to go through all this stress you know." He whispers and I sigh. "I have enough money for the both of to last basically a lifetime. I can do all the work and all you have to do is move in and enjoy life."

I shake my head at his words, "I can't just live off your money, Justin. I need to accomplish things in my life, too. I don't want to live off your money." I tell him with a frown.

He sighs, dropping the subject and neither of us being the topic back up for the rest of the night.



I hope this chapter wasn't too boring. Sort of just giving you guys a glimpse into what some people are up to. (Sort of, not really?)

Anywho, vote, comment and add if you want to


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