Chapter 22: Unsure

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Kennedy King: 

I didn't stay the next morning. As soon as I woke up, I found a few of my things and stuffed them into a bag before driving back to my dad's place.

Unlocking the door with the key I had got made for me, I walk inside and set my things down. "Hello?"  I call out to see if anyone was home. Moments later I see Isabel walking down the stairs. "Kennedy? Hey, what's up?" 

I sigh, not sure where to start. Instead of explaining to her why I was really here I just respond with. "To see if you guys needed help for planning Kory's birthday." I didn't want to tell her what happened since I wasn't in the mood to explain.

"Oh," Isabel smiles when she reaches the last step. "Cool, well it's tomorrow so I mean we have everything done. We just got her a cake thats coming in tomorrow morning, I think Ross might be getting it if-"

"I can do it," I interject, "He has practice in the mornings, it's probably better if I do." 

Isabel agree's and we move to the living room. She discussing party plans and I start to drift off, wandering if Justin would still show up tomorrow. Of course he was invited. He's my boyfriend and my family loves him, but with our fight and everything... "Kennedy? Are you even listening?" 

"Huh? Sorry..."

"It's alright. I was just asking if you and Justin were going to get the cake and come here to drop it off and get ready here or are you guys going somewhere before the party?" 

"Justin and I...?" I ask in confusion.

Isabel playfully rolls her eyes. "Duh, who else would you be getting the cake with? I thought you two were coming together...?" 

I open my mouth to reply when there's a loud knock on the door. "I'll get it," I stand up almost instantly before Isabel can hold me back from doing so. 

I'm rushing out the room and making my way to the door. When I pull it open, I see Austin standing there, hands buried deep into his pockets. 

"Austin? What are you doing here?" He just chuckles, "Well hello to you too, Kennedy." 

"Sorry," I sheepishly smile, letting him in. 

"I went by your apartment this morning, but Vinny said you no longer lived there... what's up with that? Last time I checked, you still lived there." 

I run my hands over my face, "It's a long story which I don't feel like explaining right now." 

Austin nods, understanding. "Got it. So later then?" I nod and he smiles. I decide to change the topic to something more up lifting. "Sooooo, your girlfriend is coming home today!" I squeal, playfully poking his sides.

He chuckles, capturing my hands in his own and placing them back by my sides. "I know, I'm excited to pick Vanessa up from the airport." 

"She better have brought me a souvenir from Spain," I joke. 

Austin tells me how he skyped Vanessa and said that she actually got each of us girls a little souvenir from her trip, but it was supposed to be a little surprise so I shouldn't tell her that I knew about it or else she would cut Austin's head off for telling me. 

Austin and I hang out for a bit until he has to leave. When he does, I head upstairs to take a shower before I started on my school work. I'm still waiting to see if the Indigo would hire me, I should be getting a call tomorrow. Speaking of calls, I need to call Dylan. I haven't talked to him in a little while since he left Seattle to go on a trip with a few of friends. 

I know he gets back late tonight so I might give him a call tomorrow before the party. 

After my shower, I hit the books and start to study. I wasn't in the mood to do so, but you do what you gotta do.


"I'm off to get the cake, do you need anything else?" I ask dad. 

He shakes his head and Isabel rolls her eyes. "He doesn't even know what's happening. Can you pick up some last minute cupcakes I ordered from Chanel's?" She asks, referring to the very cute cupcake shop.

"Yep," I twirl my key ring around my index finger. 

"By the way, don't forget that Ashley is attending tonight so if there's something you two are... you know, unsure about wait until the party's over.. okay?" 

Nodding, I promise Isabel to keep quiet. She probably knew that something was up since I cam over yesterday and avoided talking about Justin and our sister. 

I leave before I can get questioned by dad who was watching us in confusion. He's been so busy with Kory and the baby on the way he's barely been able to keep track about anything. I still didn't support Kory's pregnancy, but I don't get much of a say in this anyway. I decide to push the topic aside for now.

I go to Chanel's first to pick up the cupcakes. I'm surprised to see that Isabel ordered so many. Like me, she wasn't on board with the whole baby thing, but boy does she love to plan things for parties and gatherings. 

"Have a nice day!" The lady says when I pay her and I bid my goodbye. Next stop is the cake shop. When I enter, I head to the front and wait for the guy behind the counter finishes whatever he was icing. 

When he turns to face me my breath hitches in my throat. A smile spreads onto his face when he see's me. "Hey Kennedy! Here to pick up the cake for the party I see," 

I wasn't expecting to see Evan working in a cake shop since the last time I saw him he was working in a restaurant as a waiter. I would never expect him to bake. "Yeah..." I awkwardly nod. Great, Ashley's new boyfriend works here and here I am, forced to socialize with him until I get that cake.

"I'll be seeing you at Kory's birthday party, right?" 

I try to cover the shock look on my face. "You're coming tonight?" I didn't think he and Ashley were that official yet. "Of course! I'm your sister's date," He teases with a smile. "I'll be back with your cake. Give me a second."

Evan disappears to the back and I let out a breath of relief. I had questioned Ashley and Evan's relationship, but I tried not to. She's moved on from Justin so I shouldn't have to worry... right?

Evan returns with the cake and I thank him, paying before I left. 

I'm about to leave when I stop in my tracks and look back at him.


"What's up?" 

"Can I ask you a personal question?" 

He nods. "Do you love Ashley?" 

A big smile erupts onto his face, "I'm very much in love with her," He says. "And she loves you back?" 

He nods again. "We're both in love and its great. I know you two girls had your differences, but she isn't who you think she is. She's not the same party girl, Kennedy." 

Nodding, I say goodbye one last time. Something was off about all of this. I had feeling that Ashley had told Evan every little detail.

She has a way with words...



Finally! An update! Thoughts so far? 

Btw, you guys should check out my story if you haven't already. its called Jungle Boy (which has been out for a little while) 

Until next time,


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