Chapter 10: Hope

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Kennedy King: 

I'm completely at a lost for words. 

The whole room seems to have gone quiet for a few seconds until Zach speaks up.

"You're what?" Zach fumes, banging his clenched fists against the table, causing Kory to gasp.

Isabel seems to have gone into shock herself and Ross as a frown etched onto his face. Ashley is quiet, her perfectly plucked eyebrows furrowed together. I feel like I'm going dizzy. "Y-you can't be." Isabel stutters, her blue eyes wide.

Kory shakes her head and abruptly stands up, rushing away. A few seconds later we hear the sounds of retching and I pull a face. "She didn't have food poisoning did she?" Ross growls, standing up as well. It seems like the news finally hit him.

"No, but-" 

"But, what?" I find my voice. "Dad, she can't be pregnant. You have enough kids and you lost one. What if you lose another?" I almost yell. I can see a look of hurt on dad's face and I almost feel bad for mentioning Carter, but I keep my stand. 

"We won't lose this one," Dad argues back, running his fingers through his brown hair. Little streaks of silver hair stand out from his dark hair. Not to burst his bubble, but he's old. He had kids young so he didn't have to have them when he was old and almost retired yet now the rules change for Kory? 

"Kory is young and she wanted to have kids and I wanted to give that to her. She deserves to have kids of her own." He barks and I stiffen. 

"Right," Ross rolls his eyes, "Because she finally realized that having her cousins as her step-children was a little too weird." He snaps coldly, his dark eyes glaring into our fathers. 

"I will not discuss this any further. We will be having this baby whether you support us or not. We are going to be a family and if you still wish to be apart of this family then I suggest you all calm down because you will be getting a baby brother or sister arriving in nine months." He lets out before giving us one last look and storming away, probably to Kory.

"I can't fücking believe him," Zach growls. 

"He can not have this baby!" Isabel fumes, joining in on Zach's words. "I can't believe it." I put my head in my hands and I feel Justin's hand linger over my back. "It's going to be alright, Kennedy." He speaks for the first time since they told us the news. "They can handle this." 

I feel tears building up and I shake my head vigorously, "You don't understand! What if Kory and dad break things off? What happens to the kid? I can't share a sibling who's mother is my cousin! They won't be able to handle having a kid. Dad is too busy and Kory is Kory-" I keep rambling. Justin quickly cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. 

"Shhh, relax." He says against my lips and I close my eyes. 

He peaks my lips one last time before pulling away and placing a hand on my cheek, his forehead leaning against mine. "Just relax, babygirl." 


I feel my chest tighten from his words and I find myself at a lost for words again. Instead I stare into his dark, soft, brown eyes that I could just look into forever. I could get lost into his eyes and I wouldn't mind. 

"Ahem," A voice brings us apart.

I turn in my seat to look at my twin sister who has a forced smile on her face. "I have to be going now. I'm excited for our new sibling!" She smiles and I freeze. She's actually supporting this? "I'll see you two around, yeah?" With one last smile, she turns away and walks out the dining room, leaving us all.

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