Chapter 28: Test results

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Kennedy King: 

"Oh my god," Alexandra is the first to speak up. I nervously look away from the group and down at my feet. 

"And this really happened?" Chris asks, still unsure from the new. 

"Yes." Justin answers. Everyone sharply inhales from his conformation. 

"And you two...?" Lee starts. "We're no longer together." I state, looking over at Justin who wouldn't meet my gaze. 

That morning after Ashley dropped the big news on us, we had woken up on the living room floor with a blanket draped over the both of us. I'm assuming Isabel or someone had done it when we fell asleep. After we woke up, Justin and I had a long talk.

There was no running out, no screaming and nothing of the sort. We talked like mature adults for once and it felt like relief to me to have been able to say everything I wanted to say to him. It was difficult to make this decision, but it was for the best. We needed a break so obviously we broke up. We were already somewhat broken up after all that chaos, but that morning we were able to discuss all of it and get it all out of our systems.

"And you two are okay with each other?" Austin asks, his eyes glazing over me. He's been quiet through out all of the explaining today and it was worrying me a lot. 

"Somewhat..." I admit, glancing back at Justin who was now looking at me. 

"It was somewhat mutual, but..." He trails off. Justin didn't want to breakup and honestly a small part of me wished I could just forgive him for what happened and move past it, but we both knew that if we didn't break up, we wouldn't get anywhere. 

I shrug. "But what's happened, happened. Neither of us can go back and change anything so, yeah. Here we are." I nervously move up and down on the ball of my feet. I looked at my group of friends who were still processing all the new information. 

Everyone was now quiet, taking it all in. Justin and I had decided it would have been best if we just told them all at once. After Justin left my dad's house the day of our talk, I had announced the obvious news to my family. They all attempted to comfort me, but found it difficult to try and understand everything that's happened. 

Chris, Lee and Vanessa are looking between Justin and I as if they're still searching for answers. Alex nervously glanced at her boyfriend, Logan, who was now apart of our group. It wasn't as awkward for us to announce this to him, but he seemed a little confused and shocked like the rest of them.

Austin just sat there next to Vanessa, staring off into his own little world. I know he's overthinking everything, trying to come with terms on what has happened like everyone else. 

"So what's going to happen if the baby is yours?" Vanessa finally asks Justin.

The man next to me sighs, running his fingers through his messy hair. "I honestly don't know. I've already talked to Scooter and we've decided not to mention anything to public yet until we know for sure that the baby is mine. Obviously with Ashley we don't know what tricks she has up her sleeves so we're going to try our best to keep everything on the down low." 

"Are you going to support Ashley and the baby if it is yours?" Logan asks out of nowhere. Everyone looks at Justin, waiting for an answer. I myself was curious as well. 

Justin didn't even have to think about it. "Of course. If she's carrying my baby then I want the best for him or her. Even if I have to deal with Ashley, I can do it. I'll fight for the custody if I have to. If the baby really is mine like she claims then I'm obviously going to care for the baby. I can't just abandon my own..."

Once again, silence overrules. We all just sit there, thinking. 

"I asked Scooter to book a paternity test. I went a few days ago. I want to make sure the results are honest and Ashley has no way to snoop around and create a lie. Today I get back the results and I'm going to go on my own with the exception of Scooter of course, unless..." He glances at us, waiting to see if anyone would offer to go. 

"I'll go," I surprise myself and the rest of our friends. Justin looks the most surprised. "You- really?" He asks, unsure if he heard me correctly. 

"Yeah. I want to be there for you, no matter what our relationship status is," I add at the end, "forgiven or not forgiven." 

He nods. That's another thing we had talked about that day. Whether or not I had forgiven him for his actions. That night before I had his words playing over and over again in my mind. If I could just dig deep enough to somehow forgive him... 

At the end, I admitted that what he had done was not forgiven and would probably not be for a very long time. Until I felt like I could trust him again, I had no interest in giving him a free pass to my forgiveness. Not this time.

Before three, we're at the hospital nervously waiting. Ashley is already there, and I'm shocked when I see Evan by her side. Boy must he really be in love with her to stick through with her during all of this.

"Mr Bieber and Ms King?" A nurse calls out. Justin is quick to be by the nurses side. Evan whispers something into Ashley's ear, placing a hand on her shoulder. She nods and he kisses her cheek before letting her  go. 

I turn the other way when she passes by me and glance back at Evan who's watching her. He looks like some sort of lovesick puppy and it disgusts me. He's so into her he can't see what kind of terrible person she is. He doesn't know how she'll drop him as soon as she gets what she wants: Justin.

My ex boyfriend sends a nervous look my way and before I know it, I'm reaching out to grab his hand.

Justin's brown eyes widen in shock as he looks down at my hand that gently held his. I lightly rub my thumb against his hand, locking my eyes on his. "Everything will be okay." I whisper, feeling my stomach churning on the inside. I was so nervous. 

He nods, slowly moving back until our hands are forced to slip away from each other. I watch as both Ashley and Justin walk to the nurse and disappear. Of course Ashley had asked to keep this conversation in private and away from both Evan and I. She's doing this to annoy me.

It seems like hours that Justin and Ashley are in that room. I've been constantly checking the time on my phone as I tapped my fingers against the chair. 

Finally, Justin and Ashley both emerge from the room and I notice how pale Justin looked. My heart instantly dropped to my stomach.

Justin doesn't say anything at first. He looks like he's still trying to take in the information. "It's mine, Kennedy." He finally whispers. "The baby is mine." 

I feel tears well up in my eyes again, but I force myself to blink them away. I will not cry. Not in front of Ashley and Evan or even Justin.

Nodding, I abruptly stand up, reading to leave. "Kennedy, wait-" Justin calls out in a pleading voice. He's interrupted when my phone starts to ring.

"Kennedy?" A panicked voice speaks up, causing me to frown. "Ross? What's wrong?" I ask my younger brother.

"Where are you?" 

"At the hospital. What happened?" I start to panic. "The one near Derek's old house?" He asks, referring to a friend of his. "Yeah, Ross you're scaring me. What's wrong?" I repeat. Justin frowns, noticing my distress.

"We're on our way," He says and I gasp. "Kory's water just broke. We're coming to the hospital. Stay there if you can." Is all he says before hanging up.

"Oh my god." I mutter. 

"What's wrong?" Justin is quick to ask. 

"My family is coming to the hospital... Kory's having her baby." 



Uh ohhh. Time for drama!


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