Chapter 32: Distracted

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Kennedy King: 

Six Weeks have passed since Justin and I's 'first' date of our do over. 

We've been taking things slow and I have to admit, Justin was being incredibly sweet to me. I found myself falling for him all over again. 

We've text lots now and we communicate much better than we did before. He drops by after my shifts at work and we hang out every now and then. So far we've avoided sore subjects such as our past relationship and the whole baby thing because I don't think either of us were ready to start arguing again.

I liked when we got along, but there was so much that happened and we need to find a way to accept it and move on if we want our relationship to work out. Justin called me last night and asked if I could come by today to discuss something rather important.

He didn't say what, but I had a feeling that it was about the baby. He mentioned Ashley, Scooter, Evan and a few other's would be there too. I agreed and now I was driving over to his place.

I feel anxious as I walk up the steps to his house. When I knock on the door, it opens as quick as possible to reveal Justin. He smiles, pulling me into a hug. "Hey," I murmur against his chest.

"Hi." He responds before pulling back. He takes my hand into his own and gently intertwines our fingers together. "Thanks for coming by. I appreciate it." 

"Not a problem." I whisper. My eyes catch Ashley lurking in the corner, watching us with slitted eyes. 

My sister sighs, ruffling her faded hair. It's grown quite a bit and is no longer in its pixie cut stage. Evan soon appears by her side and whispers something into her ear. She nods and they walk over to the couch to take a seat together and he wraps an arm around her protectively.

Pursing my lips, I tear my eyes off them. Justin notices the look in my eyes. "I just don't understand how he's okay with all of this." I admit to him before he can ask.

"Ashley has a way to persuade and manipulate people, Kennedy. I'm honestly not surprised that she's found a way to keep Evan with her during all of this." He glances back at the couple before looking back at me. 

Justin eventually brings me over to the living room and I say hello to Scooter and some other people who were part of Justin's team. 

"So, let's get down to business." Scooter is the first to break the silence that has started to fill the room. "Have you been going to all your check ups?" 

"Yes," Ashley responds in a heartbeat. "All of them. The baby is doing good." She places a hand on her belly and I look away. I can't help it. She's carrying Justin's baby. I know it's mean and selfish of myself, but I was just hoping that she was lying and maybe it wasn't Justin's baby. That she found a way to trick us and tell us the truth so this would all just blow over.

Scooter continues. "We still need to discuss future plans for the child. We'll schedule a meeting with our lawyers to discuss those plans." 

I stand up, "Anyone want something to drink?" I honestly feel a little awkward and seeing that they didn't need me for this conversation, I might as well get some coffee and some tea out. 

Justin sends a gentle smile my way, knowing that I already know where everything is. "Sure," Scooter replies, "Thank you, Kennedy."

Nodding, I stand up and leave for the kitchen to brew some coffee and fill the kettle up with water. 

After making the coffee and tea, I go around offering a cup of either of the drinks to everyone, including Ashley who I give water. She takes it cautiously and I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. Does she seriously think that I did something to that water?

I return to Justin's side and he wraps an arm around me, kissing my cheek. "Thank you." He smiles, holding his cup of coffee in his other hand. "No problem." 

The rest of the meeting I can't help, but watch the way Justin looked at Ashley. The woman who was carrying his child. He had this look in his eye... even though he had said he wasn't ready, I knew he was somewhat excited. Justin was always so great with kids and we've discussed about having children back before all of this happens. He said he wanted at least two or three.

My mind is distracted for the rest of the meeting as I try to think of what Justin's and I future might look like.



Just a little filler chapter 


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