Chapter 25: Alone again

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Justin Bieber: 

I wake up on my couch the next morning, my head pounding from the major headache I had. I hated the feeling of being hung over.

Suddenly, all the memories from last night come up and I feel like I'm about to throw up. I look around the living room, noticing that Ashley was no longer here. Instead a small note was left behind.


I had fun last night. Let's do it again sometime, yeah?


"Fuck!" I yell, crumbling the note, throwing it as far away possible. My hands run through my hair, tugging on the ends. Why was I so freaking stupid to do that? 

"Shit, shit, shit." I mutter lowly, tugging on the t shirt that was thrown onto the floor last night. "I'm so fūcking stupid."

What was I going to do? I have to tell Kennedy what happened. Not only that, but I'm a hypocrite. I go off on her about cheating and now I'm the cheater. Sure she kissed a guy, but I slept with her sister! 

Groaning, I pull on my hair in frustration again. If I keep on doing this, I'm going to end up pulling all my hair out.

My phone is up on the console and I turn it on. It's been shut off all night. "Crap.." I curse, seeing all the missed calls from Kennedy. She obviously called to try to patch things up and my stupid ass went and got drunk in attempt to avoid thinking about her.

I call her back right away. I need to talk to her and make an important decision. I'm not sure whether or not I'll continue with it or not, but-

"Justin?" Kennedy's voice interrupts my thoughts, and I don't miss the worry in tone.

"Kennedy," I breath out. 

My hands are a little shaky and I still feel as if I was going to barf any second. "Justin, we really need to talk. Yesterday just didn't go as planned and I didn't even," She pauses, groaning, "I don't know-" Again she pauses. 

"I know, I know." I cut in for her, "We need to meet up in person and sort this out. I-i have to talk to you." I feel my stomach churn and the guilt wash onto me right away. Kennedy is going to freaking hate me.

"Where did you stay last night?" I ask. All of her things are here and it's my fault that she didn't have an apartment to call home. Another stupid thing I did that has affected her.

"I was with Vanessa and Austin. Justin please don't be upset with me, let's meet up and I'll explain everything to you. This was all a big misunderstanding." 

A misunderstanding? As if she could read my mind, she says. "Cody just randomly kissed me, he had the wrong idea and-"

"Wait, you didn't ignite the kiss? He kissed you first?" More guilt filled over me. Of course she didn't! 

"Yes, but I'll explain when I see you. You can tell me whatever you have to tell me when I see you. Where should we meet up?" Kennedy is in a rush and I know she feels guilty about the kiss which makes me feel extra guilty and terrible about what I did. I was so mad at her last night that now I feel like such an ass from what I did with Ashley. And the kiss wasn't even Kennedy's fault! Cody ignited the kiss. He placed it on her and I blamed it all on her, thinking that maybe she wasn't satisfied with our relationship.

Ashley words from last night reply in my head and I close my eyes for a bit, trying to get the image to go away. "Justin?" Kennedy's voice brings me back. "You still there?"

"Huh, yeah. What did you say?"

"I asked where we should meet up?"

I blurt out, "My place." I need to clean up and take a quick shower before she gets here. 

We quickly say our goodbyes and I let out a string of curses as I clean up the place and rush to take my shower. As I wait for Kennedy to come by, I stare down at a picture of us placed in my living room, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

Kennedy was going to break up with me. She was for sure going to get mad and just leave me. She's going to hate me. I can't have her hating me.

Forty minutes later, Kennedy is in my house and we are just sitting across from each other. Neither of us have said anything and I'm not sure where to start. 

"What has happened to us?" Kennedy is the first to speak. "I get that we've been on the rocks lately, but this is just getting out of hand. I want you know, that I did'n't want that kiss, I was ready to push him off, but you walked in didn't let me explain. We need to talk and resolve this because we can't keep running away from each other each time we get into a fight." 

I listen to her words and try not to pull on my hair. I made a huge mistake and I don't know how to tell her. I don't want to tell her because I know she'll get upset and hurt and I don't want to hurt her, but if I don't tell her, it'll hurt her even more if she ever found out.

I have to tell her.

"Kennedy, last night-" 

That's when there's a knock on my door. "I'll be right back, it's probably Scooter." I tell her, standing up to answer the door. Scooter was meant to come by today to drop something off and we had planned to discuss some future performances, but right now wasn't a good time. 

After quickly talking to Scooter, I return to the living room where Kennedy is sitting quietly, her eyebrows furrowed as she reads a scrap piece of paper.

That's when my heart stops. She slowly looks up and I bite on my lower lip. She found the paper that I completely forgot to throw it out. I had thrown it and left it right in the room and missed it. And she's already seen it.

"A.K?" Her voice is weak, "Ashley King. Am I right?" 

Gulping, I answer. "Kennedy I was going to tell you. It was a mistake and-" 

Shaking her head, Kennedy stands up right away, grabbing her bag with her. "One tiny kiss and you go off and do god knows what with her? With my sister? Your ex." She yells and I feel the guilt rise again. 

"I''m tired of this, Justin! This isn't the first time that you've hurt me like this and it probably won't be the last. I can't do this anymore." She shaking her head and I see tears starting to form in her eyes.

"No, no, no," I grab her hands, holding them in mine. "Just stay," I try to keep calm, but it was no use. She was slowly slipping away from me. "We'll talk it out, I-" 

But she refuses. "I need space. I can't believe that you would-" She stops and pulls her hands away from mine, covering her face with her hands. 

"I need to get out of here." Is all she says before she's rushing to the door and leaving.

And there I was alone, again.



Super crappy chapter I'm sorry. 


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