Chapter 23: Broken relationship

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Kennedy King: 

"You sure its cool that I'm here?" Cody asks. 

"Of course," I respond. Cody came by to borrow a textbook for one of our classes and Kory had invited him in to join us for her birthday. He was reluctant at first, but Kory had insisted so he agreed. 

Justin hadn't arrived yet and now I was starting to think that he wouldn't show up. The place was packed and I was just hanging around with Cody.

"Your boyfriend is here," Cody suddenly whispers lowly in my ear and my eyes look up to see where he's looking.

Justin was standing in the doorway, gift in hand, staring at us. I know he isn't very fond of Cody and seeing us together after our little dispute probably isn't helping.

He glares until Kory catches his attention. He hands her the gift with a gracious smile and shakes hands with my dad. I'm surprised to see him since I did think that he wouldn't show up. 

A frown etches on my face when I see Ashley and Evan walk in, hand in hand. 

The couple greets my dad and Kory, but I don't miss the way my sister quickly goes to Justin's side and hugs him. Relax Kennedy, now is not the time to be jealous. I remind myself.

"You okay?" Cody asks and I nod. "Just fine. I'm going to get something to drink." 

Cody surprises me by placing a hand on my lower back. "I'll join you," He whispers in my ear before standing up straight.

I don't miss the way Justin eyes his hand on my back before we walk away together, his hand still there.

After getting something to drink, we settle in the lounge and start talking. I get a text from Austin saying that he's coming over soon, on his own. Something about Vanessa being too tired to join us tonight since she just got back from Spain.

Cody's been by my side for most of the night and I was grateful for that. I didn't know many of Kory's and dad's friends so it was kind of boring. Occasionally, I would see someone I know and they'd come up to me and ask me how I was doing. 

"Hey, you want to go somewhere a little less crowded?" Cody asks when another person bumps into us for what seems like the millionth time tonight. 

"Sure," I chuckle, leading the way upstairs. 

As we head upstairs, we pass by Justin, Evan, Ashley and Isabel. I don't miss the way Justin eyes the close proximity between Cody and I as we head upstairs. Ashley merely just glances at us before she goes back to listening to whatever Evan was saying and Isabel looks between Justin and I in a questioning way.

Cody and I hear upstairs to my room in the house and I take a seat on the bed and he takes a seat next to me, stretching his legs out.

"What's going on between you and Justin?" Cody asks, making my head snap up. I'm about to play dumb and ask him what he's talking about, but Cody chuckles. "Don't tell ask me what i'm talking about because I know you know what I'm talking about. You two haven't even talked to each other all night long and he's been watching me like a hawk, like i'm going to do something bad to you any moment." 

Cody laughs, pushing back his dark hair. His blue eyes linger on me for a second and he bites his lower lip. "Sorry.. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." 

I'm aware of our close proximity and I slightly lean to the other side, placing some distance between us. Cody doesn't notice. 

"It's fine," I sit up in my seat, placing my hands flat against my thighs, "We just got into a bit of an argument. He completely when behind my back and did something that just made me really mad and if I told you, you might have said I was over reacting, but to me it's a big deal." I say in one big go.

Cody's brows are furrowed and he's watching me with an intense look in his eyes. 

That's when he reaches his hand up and cups my cheek leaning right into me in one swift motion and kisses me.

I gasp in shock, not even able to completely comprehend what was happening when the door to my room is opened with a loud bang. My first instinct is to push Cody away. With all my force, I hit my hands to his chest, pushing him away.

"What the fuck?" Justin's voice yells out and I want to scream. Why do these things happen to me? 

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Justin points a finger at a shocked Cody, ready to jump him when Austin, who's just arrived, and Evan pull him back. 

"Justin-" I start to talk, but he shakes his head at me. "Don't even talk to me. I don't even know what to think. We get into one fight and you're already kissing some preppy guy behind my back? Do you even love me anymore?" Justin's question takes me by surprise.

My mouth opens and closes like a fish. "Is that even a question? Of course I love you!" I shout, "He kissed me! I didn't ask for it!" This is ridiculous. 

"Shut up," Justin snaps, and I instantly freeze up. 

"Don't talk to her like that," Austin and Cody both say at the same time. "You shut it," Austin points a finger at Cody. It's clear that he's not a big fan of Cody and at this point neither am I.

That's when Ashley appears. "oh my god, what's going on?" 

"Nothing," Justin shrugs Austin and Evan off of him. "Absolutely nothing. I'm leaving." He mutters. Everything was happening so fast that I didn't even have time to comprehend. 

"Justin-" I try again, but he won't even listen as he pushes past Ashley. My sister shakes her head at me before going after him. 

Evan looks back at me for a second before walking out the room, leaving me with Cody and Austin.

"Kennedy, I'm sorry. It was in the heat of the moment and I thought maybe you'd break it off with him for a good and-" 

"And so you thought it be a good idea to kiss me and ruin my relationship with my boyfriend?" I snap. I need to go find Justin. I can't just stand here and argue with Cody.

"Go find him," Austin nods his head, as if he was reading my mind. Nodding, I rush past him going to find Justin.

My feet carry me as fast as they could, rushing to the doorway. I pushed past many people, not bothering to explain myself as I muttered a few 'excuse me's and 'sorry's. 

But it was too late. Justin was already getting into his car. "Justin!"

He just looks back at me before shaking his head, getting right in. The car engine starts and then he's driving off, leaving me watching from the street. As if things couldn't get any worse, for the first time in a little while it starts to rain here in LA. 

The rain falls over me and I watch as Justin's car drove further and further away, away from myself and our broken relationship.



Okay this chapter downright sucked I'm sorry :( 

Things are finally starting to get heated and I have so much planned for this i promise. you guys will not (hopefully not) be disappointed because i have a few tricks up my sleeve hehe...


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