Chapter One - Feet First

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I groaned as the alarm made its blaring noise, making me awake and turn away from it, I knew that this day was different from the rest through-out the year, I sat up in bed, thinking back to 2 years ago when I transferred to this faction from Candor, nothing but a plain Jane, but now I was a Dauntless citizen, working on live canvases when I wasn't training initiates, critically analysing them. I push the bedcovers away from me, goosebumps covering my legs as the cool air touched them. I quickly dressed and let my hair loose, seeing the black roots coming through the blue, mentally reminding myself to visit the hairdressers some time soon.

I walked to the Pit and grabbed some quick food, finding Amar with some other Dauntless citizens, many were still asleep at this time, Dauntless was at its best at 9AM onwards, only those who had just finished their night shifts were still walking around, getting food before probably heading home to sleep away the day.

Amar's should bumped into mine, making me look up at him, "ready for a fresh batch of initiates today?" He grinned and I smiled back, his smile is contagious, and he's quickly become my best friend in this faction.

"Do I have to go the choosing ceremony?" I asked, and he nodded, causing my sag in my seat, I hated going to that thing, and yet it brought me here. Amar's arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, we were close but we had never thought of each in other in a different way other than best friends, I put a lot of trust in him and he in me.

After breakfast, we rushed for the morning train, running up and catching the handles on the sides before dragging ourselves into the train, it gave me a rush every time. When we jumped off and climbed down the railings, then vibrating as the train moved away into the distance, I glanced around, seeing the clothes of different factions in the big building where the ceremony is being held just ahead of us.

Amar whistled, "come on Bubbles" he winked at the nickname, I rolled my eyes and followed him inside the building. Most of the 16 year olds were sitting and their families and factions sitting in their respective areas. I waited through the speech at the Amity leader, Johanna, gave and watched as names throughout each faction was spoke and as they came up and became independents in other factions. Dauntless had a few transfers to other factions and because of that their family and friends would see them as traitors and never visit them on visiting day.

But then my eyes followed a guy from Erudite, his blonde hair slightly grown out and the faction glasses no longer on, I watch as he's given a knife and he cuts his palm, looking around the bowls once before letting a single drop sizzle against the coals, symbolising Dauntless. The Dauntless initiates and other transfers cheer as he hands his knife back and walks over to a spare seat, his eyes met mine for a brief second as he walks over but they leave mine as he looks ahead and smiles a little as people continue to cheer.

Myself and Amar left early to catch a quick train back to the Dauntless compound, we waited on the roof, knowing that the Dauntless-borns would know to come here. 10 minutes later, a train was incoming and I smirked as I saw some people panic slightly before jumping and rolling across the roof.

My eyebrows rose as I noticed an Abnegation transfer in the crowd. I heard Amar clear his throat before speaking.

"I'm Amar and this is Belle", he said as he pointed over to me, I crossed my arms over my chest, and I noticed a few guys look over at my chest, I sneered some more, "And we're your trainers, and this is your entrance", his hand guided many eyes over to the huge gap in the roof behind us, some faces fell and turned pale.

"If you can't even do this, please turn and leave but know you can't return to your parents." I said, my voice clear and almost threatening. Some people shuffled but didn't move from their spots.

"So, who's first?" Amar asked, his eyes moving from one initiate to another. Nobody moved for a while, but the Abnegation transfer came through, standing at the ledge, breathing shakily before jumping. Soon enough we heard the shouts from down below and people started making their way down, the Erudite transfer I notice before walked straight past and jumped down without another thought and soon it was just Amar and I.

I just first and quickly made my way off the net before Amar came down. The initiates where taken away by Lauren and they were leaded away, probably taken to the initiate room where they'll share bed space and a huge bathroom, and to change into Dauntless clothes. Amar and I prepared for gun training first, mixing it up from last year where we started with the fear simulations, I shuddered at the memories of my own.

30 minutes later the initiates came in, one Candor transfer, who's name I learned to be David, thanks to the board that got update with pictures and names of each initiate, both transfers and Dauntless-borns, grabbed a gun, along with the others.

"So, baby, what are we doing?" He asked, and I turned to him, finding him yawning and grinning at me as the gun hanged limp in his hand. I grabbed a gun beside me, quickly checking the ammo, and set one in the chamber before placing it against his head.

"Wake the fuck up, Candor, this isn't some game, they're real guns with real bullets so unless you want one in your head, get a grip on reality." I said, "And I hate being called baby, I'm more for baby-girl" I continued, my teeth clenched, he nodded shakily, and I put the gun away, taking the bullets out and crossing my arms over my chest again as Amar taught the initiates how to load a gun, where the safety was etc.

Soon, they were all stood at a target and started shooting, a handle full actually hitting the targets but most hitting the wall behind them, I stopped by a few and set them in the right stance, I stopped by the Erudite transfer, Eric.

"Relax'" I joked, "You're way too stiff to shoot correctly, keep your arms straight and relax a little more, breathe then shoot", I instructed and waited for him to shoot, he did as I said, calming himself down before making a perfect shot, I nodded to him and continued with the other initiates, feeling eyes on me the entire time.

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