Chapter Seven - 2

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It was the last day of the initiation process, this included the initiates going through their fears in-front of the leaders, and Amar and I. The leaders was sat inside the simulation room as Amar and I prepared the computers and liquids for the initiates as they sat, nervously waiting, Four looked ready, his jaw clenched. Eric looked determined to get into first ranking. His eyes hit mine for a moment and his demeanour changed, he softened for a split second, but then, he changed back into a hard shell.

We went through the initiates by rank, since they would change with these as their final test, and once we had them complete Amar and I went through the final rankings with the leaders, giving them our opinion on them.

"Belle." Max called my name, I looked up at him, "What about our Erudite transfer, Eric? How's he?" I froze for a second.

"He's a capable initiate, he's outstanding with his fighting technique and weapons, he's our second fastest with the fears with about 12 of them." I told him, he nodded.

"Four, the Abnegation transfer, is our quickest with the fears and he's beaten Eric a few times in combat, he's very accurate with knifes, I think he's our number one." Amar announces and Max nods.

"Yes, it's practically unheard of in Dauntless history to only have four fears, he's definitely first ranking." Max decides, "We should offer him the leadership opening that's coming up." Max thinks out loud and raise my eyebrows, Four doesn't seem very open to be a leader, he's very private.

"We cannot force it on him." Another leader says, she crosses her arms, "If he doesn't take it, I'd be confident in the fact Eric would, he seems to be a type that wants control." I nod my head at that.

2 hours later we have our final rankings, we had the initiates in the Pit, with a bunch of other Dauntless members and the leaders were also around, prepared to go through jobs and housing for them. I looked around the crowd and a pair of eyes met mine, his educated eyes never left mine, it was like I was linked to him.

"Attention." Max yelled, getting everyone's attention, my eyes left Eric's, "It's with a great pride that I show you all our newest members at Dauntless and their rankings, now it doesn't matter about rankings, but that they made it through and become apart of the warrior faction." Max bellows, his voice travelling through the Pit, all of a sudden, the rankings appeared behind us, I looked for Eric and found that he looked slightly mad, like second wasn't good enough.

His jaw clenched, the muscles moving, he found my eyes and barely looked at me, like it was my fault he got that ranking. I looked down, ignoring the feeling I was getting. I started to feel overwhelmed and left the celebration, and headed down to the infirmary, it had been weeks since I last went and the appointment was looming so I decided to head down early.

I smiled at the nurse and she patted a bed and she prepared the machine to do the scan, once it was ready, she squirted cold gel over my stomach and used some sort of wand, apart of the machine of course, and the sonogram came up on the screen, I watched as this small object, my baby, came up on the screen, the image wasn't clear, but the nurse pointed out the basics to me and gave me tips on how to make the pregnancy as smooth as possible.

She printed out a couple of pictures and handed them to me as I cleaned my stomach of the now warm gel. I stared at the pictures, silenced by it. I paid for the producer and was on my way, hiding the pictures from everyone who I walked past.

My first stop is at the tattoo shop, since initiation is over, I'm back on with full time shifts, I get Tori's attention and get her to come to the back so I can tell her that I am pregnant.

She gasps when I hand her one of the copies.

"Who's the father?" She asks as she continues to look at the picture, I sigh.

"You can tell anyone, even him okay?" I tell her and she crosses over her heart, "Eric, the initiate I pierced and tattooed." I admit and she smirks.

"I knew he had eyes for you." She states, her smirk getting bigger with each passing minute, I roll my eyes.

"He doesn't have eyes for me, Amar said the same thing, more or less." I tell her, sitting on the sofa, she's still standing in-front of me.

"Plus I may have told to forget that night and we haven't spoken since." I admit and she smacked my arm, "Ow, what the fuck." I ask her, "Don't hit a pregnant women."

"Oh shut up, you're barely past a month." She said and I frown at her, "Why would you say that to him?" She shakes her head at me.

"He was an initiate, we both could've got in trouble if the news came out and I'm still not sure if I should even tell that it's his kid I'm pregnant with."

"Don't be stupid, tell him." She said, going over to the door, "Or I will." I sigh as she leave and I cross my arms over my chest, walking out to the front of the store, noticing that Eric is there talking to Tori.

I freeze for a moment, before clearing my throat.

"I'll see you later Tori." I announce before walking out of the store, I hear some commotion behind me, and then I feel a hand grasp mine, I turn and look down at it before looking up at the culprit, Eric is looking down at me, his face void of emotions again.

"We need to talk." I say before he could get a word in.

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