Chapter Twelve - Jealousy

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My fingers drum against the table in the Pit, I had been in there for hours now, avoiding my responsibilities and Eric. My head rests against my hand as it leans against the table. I heard someone walk over and sit opposite me, I see Four sat opposite me with a plate full of food, I smile a little and he smiles too.

"What can I do for you?" I ask him jokingly, and his lips twitch up a little.

"Nothing," He says as he starts to eat, "I noticed you without your other half and decided to sit with you, you looked lonely." He stated and I sighed again, "What could he have done to make you so down?"

"He's just not the same anymore." I said, "Since he got the leader position, and I became more pregnant," Four's eyes widen a little and I remember that I hadn't exactly told many people that I was pregnant, "Oh yeah, I got pregnant whilst you was in initiation, but since he started working up to being an official leader, he's gotten colder and he's just acting like a completely different person, I just don't know who he is anymore. Before, he could be playful and fun to be around and now I'm scared that if I say something wrong, that something terrible would happen, not that I'm saying Eric would hit me but I'm scared that something would physically happen and that it would hurt the baby." I explain, and Four looks sympathetically at me.

"I don't think I have any advice for that." He cracks a joke, making me laugh a little. We talk for a little while longer then all of a sudden, Four stops all together, looking behind me. I turn behind me and find a furious looking Eric, his jaw clenched and his arm muscles tightened as he grips his bottle of water tighter and tighter as he watches Four and I. I gulp and turn back to Four.

"He looks so mad." I say to Four and he just nods. I take a deep breath and give him a forced smile, "I better go over to him and make him see sense." I say as I stand, holding onto my stomach, feeling a little queasy, I wave to Four as I move away from him and over to Eric, who's looking slightly less angry, but still angry none-the-less.

"Hey you." I sing, feeling nervous and still queasy. His glare moves to me and I freeze at his gaze. His eyes looked colder than ever. I sit opposite him, breathing harder and the feeling doesn't leave me. His looks at me oddly and I press my hand to my chest.

"I don't feel right." I say before my vision starts to deteriorate, Eric's eyes widen and the last thing I see is him reaching for me.

When I come to, I look around to see that I'm in the infirmary, I breathe out in relief to see that I'm somewhere safe. Then I remember about Eric, I look around the room once more for any sign that he's been here, but there isn't any, not even one sign that he was here. I frown to myself and my vision blurs with tears. I panic more with each breath, hearing the beeping from the monitor beside me get faster and faster, eventually, a nurse comes in and does some breathing techniques to help me calm down.

"Now, don't panic, you're fine, the baby is fine." She ensures me, and I breath out in relief, "Your boyfriend brought you here but left shortly after for work." Her gaze is soft and I feel silly for thinking that Eric would actually stay whilst I was here, at one point he probably would've, but he's someone else to me now. The nurse smiles at me as she passes me a cup of water and leaves to check on other patients.

A single tear makes it way down my face as I feel my heart break. I love him and he basically tosses me aside for his position.  I stay at the infirmary for a little while longer as the nurse keeps her eyes on me, making sure I don't pass out again, and that I'm fully hydrated. With a wave, I'm discharged and I'm walking around the compound until I decide to head home, knowing Eric wouldn't be in until late. Again.

I quickly make my way home, closing the door quietly and sat on the sofa, trying to calm down. I get myself into bed and relax into the covers and pillows. My eyes shut but I hear everything that happens around me, I sleep but hear all. I hear the footsteps around the apartment after the door opens and shuts. I hear the intake of breathe when the person who I assume is Eric stops at the doorway, I hear the quiet, light footsteps he takes until he's at my side of the bed, kneeling beside me. He grasps my hand and kisses the back of it before leaving me alone.

I sigh in my sleep and fall into darkness.

When I wake up the next morning, Eric is still sleeping beside me and I am taken back that he is still sleeping and is beside me. I smile a little and run a finger over his cheek, his stirs a little and I pull back quickly, just in-case. I quietly get up, and dress quietly, gathering some spare clothes as I decide to leave for a while, I kiss his forehead and quickly move out of the apartment, closing the door quietly behind me.

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