Chapter Nineteen - Heart

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"Okay, so run through it one more time." I asked Eric as we sat in the bedroom, he was stood by the bed as I laid on it, looking up at him. We were currently going through the plans for the next initiation, in the last meeting it was decided, mainly by Max and Eric, that it was going to becoming a lot harder, initiates would start to become cut, leaving them factionless, only one or two would get cut if they really couldn't hack it. I didn't understand the importance for it, I just agreed to it at the time because I was hungry, and I didn't really listen to the explanation they gave, I was also thinking of eating.

"My year of the initiation will be the last one that won't have any initiates being cut, we decided that it would be best to only have the best initiates come into the faction, it just makes sense to not let any badly ranked initiates into the faction as a fully-fledged member." He says again, I could sense his slight agitation with me, I rolled my eyes.

"How many would be cut?" I asked, a nagging feeling coming up.

"This year, probably 4 at most, 2 in the first part, 2 in the second, then the rest are guaranteed a place, it's just the final part of the initiation that would give them their final ranking." He continued, moving to sit on the bed beside me.

"Are you trying to tell me that the next year after more would get cut, eventually there would be no initiates making their way into Dauntless unless they won every fight, perfected every hit with knifes and bullets and came out of their simulations under 11 minutes." I argue, "Even I wasn't that good, so what I got first ranking, but even I didn't perfect everything." Eric links his fingers as he looked at me.

"We'll still have initiates, probable most that would get kicked out eventually would be around 7 or 8." He says, then stands, holding his hand out to me, "Now come on, let's get something to eat, I know you're hungry, you're always hungry." I sigh and let the topic go, putting my hand in his and pulling myself up with his help.

"You suck." I say pathetically, causing Eric to grin almost evilly.

"That's your job, babydoll." He retaliates, and I shut up, knowing that I couldn't say anything to get back at him for that. Plus, I loved it when he called me babydoll. One hand in his, one hand on my stomach, I let Eric lead me towards food. I was now two weeks closer to my due date, two weeks away from my due date, so really, any minute, hour or day from now, I could start labour. Eric was always with me once he heard this news, and if he wasn't, someone he could trust always was with me.

I saw Four more now since the little hiatus I had when avoiding Eric, I even saw Amar a few times when he wasn't so busy, his eyes bulged out when he saw me, but grinned happily, his eyes sparkling. He was happy for me. We sat around in the pit for a while, then made our way to the tattoo shop, to catch up with Tori also, it was like the gang was back together again, and we sat in the shop, talking and drinking, myself water as they had alcohol. I gave them the stink-eye as they happily drank in-front of me, they laughed and teased me by trying to offer me some.

But an hour later, Amar had to leave again for work and Tori had customers, so Eric met up with me and took me home. But now, Eric had taken some time away from working so much, he still had to do odd jobs, but Max took some of the work load of us both, knowing we would need to chill out for a while, with a new-born literally on the doorstep of life.

I waited on a table as Eric started to walk over with two trays of food, I smiled at him as he sat opposite me, placing the trays in-front of us.

"Thank you, baby." I murmur, feeling a little embarrassed I even said it quietly to him. My cheeks redden as I look up at him. He grins a little at me, winking, making my cheeks redden even further. I lean a little towards him, pecking his lips before he starts to eat, he continues to grin at me. I look around the Pit, seeing some eyes on us, but not many, I looked back at Eric to see him looking around also, glaring at some guys who look at me for too long.

If there was something that annoyed me and something I loved about Eric, was his possessiveness, even when I admitted I loved him and he got me pregnant, he was still so territorial and scared that I would leave him for someone else, not that I would, nobody else captured me like he did, and does. He captivates my every thought if it's not on the baby.

His eyes could corner me into one spot from across the room.

And if his eyes could do that, imagine what he could do to me when he loves me, whispers sweet little nothings for my ears only. I was shaken from my thoughts when Eric started saying my name, repeating it over and over from across me. I jumped a little, he frowned and then looked down at my nearly full tray of food, I glanced down and started to eat.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, pushing his tray to the side, leaning forward on the table, towards me. I nod as I eat.

"I was just thinking of you." I admit and his cheeky grin comes upon his face again.

"What about me?" He asks in a sultry voice.

Be still my heart.

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