Chapter Twenty-Nine - Control

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"Come on, Luna, please do this for mummy." I pleaded, holding out a spoon of baby food to her mouth, she whimpered and pulled away, turning her head away from me. I sighed and sat back, it had been 3 months since I last tried, since then the initiates had became full Dauntless members and things had been going smoothly, everything but trying to get Luna to eat baby food, hopefully getting her to more solid foods, trying to wean her off milk.

I looked back at her, finding her looking at me, looking as innocent as ever, but I knew that was all a rouse, she had played me and I knew she had Eric wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born. I playfully glared at her, knowing her game.

"Are you seriously glaring at our child?" I heard Eric ask from across the room, I looked at him, finding him trying to fight off a smile, "Maybe she just knows that the food is disgusting and she doesn't want that near her." He suggested and I looked back at her, she was kicking her feet back and forth in the high-chair.

"I'm not even in control of my baby." I said, groaning and leaning my head back, seeing an upside-down Eric staring at me.

"Having children isn't about being in control." He said, reading a book that was laid on the kitchen counter, we had taken a day off to just chill out, the tattoo shop had gained another person to work there so like Tori said, I had some time off to just relax and look after Luna. Leadership was finally starting to seem normal again, meetings happened on a regular basis and it was the usual; what would be the plan until the next lot of initiates and who was willing to train them again, this time I didn't want to train them, I had my own things to do.

I think Eric enjoyed training the initiates too much, and so he volunteered to oversee it for the next initiates. I didn't mind, it gave him something to do.

I knew that Four was asked to do it again for the transfers, he accepted and the other leaders, other than Amar, were taking the Dauntless born that stay in the faction. I wasn't really needed to do the training this time around, it was almost relieving. Early mornings sucked.

I felt the blood rushing to my head, so I decided to look up normally, looking back at Luna. I pick her up and move her to her toys, she immediately grabs at one and started playing, sitting by her mountain of toys in the living room, I move over by Eric, making sure to keep an eye on her in-case. I lean my body against Eric's, he moves one of his arms to wrap around my shoulders keeping me close.

"Why don't you go out for a while, get a hair cut or something, dye your hair?" He suggests.

"Is that a way to suggest that my hair is like a birds nest and needs fixing?" I laugh and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"No, you just need to get out for a while, I can take care of her." He said and I sigh, I didn't want to leave but I didn't want to be one of those parents who dropped everything for their kids, a parent who's dependent on their kids, a parent who can't be separated from their kid. I nodded at him and smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"I'll be back soon." I said, and he smiled before going over to Luna, keeping an eye on her, his book in hand. When I leave the apartment, I make my way to the hairdressers, and my usual hairdresser gasps when she sees me.

"Come on you, we need to get you blue again." She said as she looks at my black roots, that have grown quite prominent in the past few months. I grinned as she lead me to a chair and gather some bleach and blue dye. I talked to her about everything as she did my hair, her eyes glued to it, concentrating on it, but her other focus on getting gossip out of me, I grinned when she asked me about Eric.

"So, how did you end up with that toy boy?" She grinned at me through the mirror.

"We actually slept together once whilst he was an initiate, he was very convincing to him a chance afterwards and during that time I was pregnant, I didn't tell him for a while until I knew I wanted to." I laughed, remembering everything that happened when he was an initiate, the kissing, touches, sneaking around to talk to each other.  

She awed as I continued with the story, how he was arrogant during initiation, but yet when we alone, he was the sappiest person, but I also mentioned to her that if she said this to him, he would deny it, he liked being seen as a fearless leader around the compound, and even I couldn't change that, but behind closed doors it was a whole different story, and I could understand that.

One of his fears was falling in love and another was not being in control. It made sense. I knew since I had met him and had Luna, I probably gained a few fears, but I knew I would do everything in my power to not let those become reality.

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