Prologue - This Is Not A Dream

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I squinted as the sunlight came through my window, something not many Dauntless apartments have, even in their modern look. I sat up, cringing when my head started to pound, thanks to all the excessive drinks I had last night. I stretched and frowned as I realised I was naked - why would I be naked? I froze when I heard a small groan beside me, how could I forget to check beside me? My eyes slowly turned to my right, and I drowned when I saw the back of a guys head, shit, what the hell happened last night? I slowly moved out of my bed and grabbed a t-shirt that was laying on the floor and quickly put it on. I tip-toed around the bed to a get a glimpse at the guys' face, my heart thumped harder with each step.

I gulped when I saw the familiar face; it was a transfer from Erudite, Eric. I sighed as I realised how bad this could turn out to be, I quickly gathered some clean clothes and rushed into the bathroom to shower, panicking the whole time, nobody could know about this.

I dressed in the bathroom and tied my recently re-dyed blue hair up in a long ponytail, I took a deep breath and walked out, shutting the door carefully behind me, Eric was still asleep, I glanced at the clock; 6:20AM, the rest of the initiates should be up in 10 minutes. I shook Eric awake, his eyes flew open, and grew bigger when he realised he wasn't with the other initiates but instead in my apartment, I put my hand up to stop him from speaking when he starts to stutter.

"Leave it, it happened but we can't tell anyone, just get dressed and head down to the pit for breakfast, bathroom is through there if you need it", I say and point to the door I just came through, he frowns a little but nods, getting out of bed. I sit around, waiting for him, twirling my keys around my pointer finger, 5 minutes later he came out fully dressed, his damp hair swept back, giving me a full view of his face, his clear-blue eyes. I stood up and walked over to the door, him following me, I open the door and gesture for him to go first, as I lock the door, I tell him to head down to the pit, he nods and walks away, as he goes down the corridor towards the pit I go the opposite direction, walking towards the training room, going to set up for the day. As I clean the knifes, flashbacks of the previous night make their way through my brain.

So many drinks, the bar was crowded, there was so many people talking, singing and dancing. I got dragged into the dancing crowd and joined in, grinding against someone, I didn't look. Their hands came at my waist, I didn't move them off me, I couldn't, it felt like they belong there, it felt good to have someone touch me.

I was downing more drinks as the minutes went by, whoever was touching me suddenly turned me to face them, I didn't have time to see their face as their lips touched mine, I was far too drunk to do anything but kiss back, my hands ran up their body, I felt their muscle and arms, slowly making my way up their hair, I knew by this point is wasn't a woman I was kissing, but a man, and at this point, I was too far gone to just pull away and see who it was.

Hands grabbed and groped and eventually, I was so sexually frustrated that I had to bring this person back to my place for more, I pull back, forgetting to look and see who this person was, my brain was trying to get me to see who it was, but my drunken state said "fuck that, let's get home", I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bar and all over the compound, getting to my apartment by the leaders corridor, I was in no way a leader of Dauntless, but I earned enough from training initiates and tattooing when I wasn't training to pay for a decent apartment.

My door slammed and then the flashbacks stopped.

I wasn't stupid to know what happened next, but as I was thinking to myself, working on autopilot, the initiates and Amar, another initiate trainer, came by and placed a hand on my shoulder, making me jump slightly.

"Hey, jumpy." Amar teased and I cracked a smile, putting down the knife I just finished cleaning. I turned and put on a blank face for the initiates, Amar demonstrated the correct stance and way to throw before we started handing out knifes, I passed a couple to Eric and his fingers glided across mine, making me look in his eyes, brown connected with blue.

Only then I didn't know that our child would end up with his eyes.

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