Epilogue - You Can't Wake Up

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Luna was with Tori again during this initiation, and just like last time, I was training, this time, I would be up on the roof with the initiate, along with Eric. He grinned as he obviously swaggered over to me, looking overly cocky, this would probably be the last time for a while I would see him like this in public, knowing that he would change into the cold, calculating Eric that he was the last time around.

I looked over his shoulder to see the incoming training, and jerked my head towards it.

"They're coming." I said, he turned his head to look at it, before looking to me, his face clear of the grin he sported seconds ago, he moved to stand close at my side, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's get the show started." I said as I watched the initiates look out of the train before jumping off and gathering in-front of Eric and I. Once they were all gathered, Eric spoke up.

"I'm Eric, one of your leaders, and this is Belle, another leader. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is your way in," He said as I stepped out of the way, showing the hole in the roof that lead to the net, not that they knew that, "If you can't jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless."

"But, what's at the bottom?" An initiate asked, making Eric grin a little, almost sadistically, but I knew better.

"You'll have to find out." He said, "Who's first?" He asked, and then there was silence, until the single Abnegation transfer since Four stood forward, a girl.

"Me." She said, taking off her jacket, causing some jeers from the guys, she hesitates as she looks over the edge.

"Today, initiate." He said, getting impatient. She jumps and we wait for the shout. A minute later, we hear a shout from below.

"First jumper, Tris!" I then turn to the rest of the initiates, "Who's next?" I ask, speaking for the first time to them.

Later that night, I place Luna in her cot, she had grown quite a lot, her hair getting longer, long enough to put in pigtails, which was so cute. I was starting to feel tired, going through this situation all over again. I rub my eyes as I leave her room, bumping into Eric, I laugh as he picks me up, spinning us around in the corridor.

He placed me on the floor, my toes barely touching it that is, and he leaned down, kissing me thoroughly. He sighed when he pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine.

"If I did something really bad, but it had a good reasoning, would you hate me, leave me?" He asked, I could hear the vulnerability in his voice.

"It would depend on the reasoning why you did it, if it really was for a good cause, I guess, I wouldn't know until it happened." I said to him, smoothing his hair back, kissing his cheek.

"I love you." I say, looking into his eyes, he just continues to look into my eyes. I kiss him on the lips for a brief second, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bedroom, pushing him to lay down, I then crawl on-top of him, laying down.

I scoot up a little, my head resting above his, and I curl one arm around his head, keeping him close to my chest, his relaxes, turning onto his side a little and he closes his eyes as one arm wraps around me. I don't question why he asked me such a vague thing.

I just lean forward and kiss his forehead, before hugging him tighter. I knew whatever it was, that we would work through it, we could work through everything.

If only I knew what would really happen weeks, months later.

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