Chapter Fifteen - Darling

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It was like everything shattered around us, Eric just looked at me, his mouth agape, as if he couldn't believe what I had just said.

"You dream that I hurt you?" He asked, as if his ears deceived him. I frown, my hand coming up to his face, stroking his forehead, trying to get rid of the creases that had formed there in the past few seconds.

"It's something that happens every night, has done for a few weeks." I admit, taking a breath, "It's something I've grown accustomed to now, I just don't want it to act out, ever."

He lets out a shaky breath and let his head fall into my neck, crouching down a little from the height difference between us both. His arms are wrapped around my body like ropes, his fingers grasping at me to keep me close to his body, the baby bump sandwiched between us both. His fingers start to move on my back, almost soothingly. We start to sway a little, I rest my head against his chest and his moves to rest on-top of mine.

After a couple of seconds, I feel his lips on my forehead and I close my eyes at the sensation. I let out a shaky breath as the feelings catch up with we, feeling choked up.

"Please come home." I hear him whisper, "Come home so we can get our little girls room ready and so we can start to be family, and start to be in love again." He continues, and I grasp his jacket, my fingers tight on the fabric.

"How will I know if it's not just a fad, that it's not just a certain time period where things are okay?" I ask him, uncertain of everything but my feelings for him. His lips press to my head again.

"I guess it's just a situation where you'd have to believe me that I would never hurt you physically and would true my hardest to not hurt you emotionally and mentally." He said, linking his fingers behind my back and pulling away from me to look at my face. One of his hands come from behind me to take a-hold of my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.

"Come home." He pleads, looking deep into my eyes.

Blue meets Brown.

I nod, a smile comes upon his lips as I continue to nod, "Okay, I'll come home." I confirm and he hugs me, before taking Tori's key from my back pocket and unlocking the door. We pack the baby furniture, placing most of it and the baby clothes within the cot so we could just simply push the cot along the corridors as Eric carried one box filled with my clothes. We walk along the corridors, myself pushing the cot carefully to not strain myself. We eventually made our way home, Eric unlocking the door before standing aside, to let me inside first. I push the cot inside, making my way to the spare room.

As I moved into the spare room, I noticed that the cardboard boxes, from when Eric first moved in, had disappeared and the room looked freshly clean, like he had cleaned this room up just before coming by to see me. I pushed the cot against the back wall before turning around to look around the room, Eric came in not a moment later, looking at me as I gazed at the room. He walked in and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"How about we get this placed decorated?" He asked me and I nod, smiling up at him. He kissed my cheek before heading out, stating that he was going to pick up some paint from the store, I nod again before turning to take out the boxes of the cot, slowly picking out the clothes and toys from the boxes, folding the clothes. Eric came back minutes later, pots of paint in hand and some brushes.

We slowly got each wall in the room painted, I, being a messy person, was nearly coated in pink paint, my face covered in splotches. Eric was close to being clean, I had caught him with my brush, giving him a line of paint across his cheek. We stopped decorating for that day, not having all the furniture needed in the room, such as shelving and a wardrobe for the clothes I had already gathered for the baby.

I sighed as I sat on the sofa, putting my feet up on the table. I lean back against the back of the sofa, closing my eyes for a second, hearing and feeling Eric move and sit next to me on the sofa, his arm moving to rest against the back of the sofa, behind my head. Eric's hand massages my left shoulder as he sits beside me, I sigh in relaxation.

"I love you." Eric speaks loudly in the silence, I open my eyes and turn to look at him.

"I love you too." I say, moving over to him, he leans over and kisses me, one of hands moving into my hair, grasping it lightly. I jump a little, my lips still attached to his, when I feel flutters inside my stomach. Eric's lips leave mine and make their way to my neck, making me gasp and squirm under his hold. He will forever have this hold over me.

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