Chapter Four - Baby-Girl

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After showering and re-dressing at my apartment, I decided to put on some make-up, since it's a party. I leave my hair down and head out, locking my door and heading down, past the Pit and towards all the stores and bars. I noticed that one was completely crazy, filled with many dauntless citizens and initiates, I decided to keep quiet, they deserved a fun night for once, especially if some did end up factionless. I ended up talking to some other Dauntless and making my way around the bar, consuming a lot of drinks along the way, I didn't see Eric anywhere so I gave up after a while, enjoy the buzz that was becoming more and more as I drank more and more.

So many drinks, the bar was crowded, there was so many people talking, singing and dancing. I got dragged into the dancing crowd and joined in, grinding against someone, I didn't look. Their hands came at my waist, I didn't move them off me, I couldn't, it felt like they belong there, it felt good to have someone touch me.

I was downing more drinks as the minutes went by, whoever was touching me suddenly turned me to face them, I didn't have time to see their face as their lips touched mine, I was far too drunk to do anything but kiss back, my hands ran up their body, I felt their muscle and arms, slowly making my way up their hair, I knew by this point is wasn't a woman I was kissing, but a man, and at this point, I was too far gone to just pull away and see who it was.

Hands grabbed and groped and eventually, I was so sexually frustrated that I had to bring this person back to my place for more, I pull back, forgetting to look and see who this person was, my brain was trying to get me to see who it was, but my drunken state said "fuck that, let's get home", I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bar and all over the compound, getting to my apartment by the leaders corridor, I was in no way a leader of Dauntless, but I earned enough from training initiates and tattooing when I wasn't training to pay for a decent apartment.

I was rambling in even in my mind, I couldn't stop it, I was so glad it didn't come out of my mouth, I needed this, I hadn't had this in forever. I wasn't even bothered that this could potentially be a one-night stand, it was more than likely going to become a one-night stand.

His lips made their way to my neck and I gasped at the sensations, I couldn't get over them, my hands made their way into his hair again, I tugged on it a little and swallowed a moan that came from him as I pulled his lips back to mine, I couldn't get enough.

Then it's black from there. I just don't remember it happening, but I knew it did because when I woke I felt sore, and was naked. And now I'm looking into his eyes, the same eyes that saw all of me, and I would've seen all of him, but I didn't remember. I look away from his eyes, continue handing out equipment to the other initiates, trying to forget the blue eyes that were imbedded in my mind, and his lips that burned their way across my skin.

The next few days I avoid Eric as much as possible, even during training, I only give him tips and help him with stances when he forgets but other than that I leave him be. He ends up third in the rankings after the now fsctionless leave and we head into the final stage, the fears.

As Amar and I prepare the injections during the days off for the initiates, I start to feel queasy, thinking it's just that I ate something bad. Amar looks over as I pull a face at the feeling.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyebrows pulling together in worry. I wave my hand, smiling a little.

"I'm fine, I just feel a little sick."

"Why don't you head home or to the infirmary, I've got this, it's nearly finished." He said and I shook my head, "Please go, or I'll worry until you do." I sigh, and nod. I kiss his cheek and tell him I'll see him later.

I grab a bottle of water from the Pit, glancing around and my eyes lock onto Eric's, I turn and continue through the Pit, towards the infirmary. I find a nurse straight away.

"Hey, I got sent because Amar worries too much, all I said was that I was feeling sick and he wanted me to get it checked out." I explained and she smiled, and nodded her head, Amar was pretty popular around the compound for being nice and helping people out, even though he wasn't Amity or Abnegation, but just because he's Dauntless doesn't mean he can't be human.

The nurse gets me to sit on a bed as she asks the usual questions and takes some blood, I sit around for a while as I wait for the results, then it hits me what it was, I almost smack myself when I realised. During my panic, the nurse comes back, still smiling.

"Right, Belle.." She reads over the results, double checking before returning her gaze to me, "It turns out you're pregnant, congratulations, I didn't know you were in a relationship?" She questions and I shake my head, the blood draining from it in shock.

"I'm not.." I say quietly and her smile drops a little.

"Well, do you know who the father is?" She asks.

"I was drunk, I don't remember it at all." I lie to her and she looks at me in pity.

"I'm sorry, darling, but you'll be a great mother." She smiles and writes more on her files, "Come back in about 5 weeks and we can do a scan to check on the baby, and remember to eat plenty and drink lots of fluids, I don't want you in here because you passed out." She says and I nod.

"Thanks, I'll see you then." I say and wave as I leave. I all but run to my apartment, and once I'm inside, I break.

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