Chapter Ten - I Fall

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"Well.." I lengthen out the 'l', I was panicking and then all of a sudden both Max and Eric start laughing, and I gawp at them both, the bastards.

"Screw you guys!" I nearly screech as they continue to laugh, "You're sleeping on the couch tonight." I tell Eric, half joking, or I at least think I am, who knows how I'll feel later on. Max is still laughing.

"Man, you're in for it." He tells Eric, slapping a hand on his shoulder, "Well, there's nothing more to go through today, so I'll leave you two alone, and don't worry about the relationship you both had during initiation, it happens more than I'd like to admit, you two aren't the first this has happened with, I just like to make the newbies sweat a little." Max waves his hand goodbye and leaves the shop, Eric is grinning at me as he leaves, I cross my arms and glare at him.

"I'm serious, you're sleeping on the couch tonight, don't think about sweeting me up to sleep in bed tonight." I say and I fish out his key from my pocket and hold it out to him, he takes it and pockets it.  He watches me as I lean against one of the tattooing chairs.

"You're not serious are you?" His eyes slightly widening at the thought of sleeping alone, on the couch. I nod and his face goes emotionless against, "Don't think so, that's my bed too now so I'm sleeping in it." His voice has an edge I've never heard to it before, I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Just because you think you're such a hotshot for getting a leadership position? Forget it, get you're own place." I almost shout at him, reaching into his pocket to take the key off him. I leave the shop and head to the Pit, Eric can close up for all I care. Instead, I spot Tori and tell her I'm avoiding him, she knows not to question and just nods and head down, I grab some food, remembering I have some at home and that I was going to cook for Eric, well he can forget that too, he can starve.

I storm my way home, giving evil glares to anyone who gets in my way, I am in no mood to walk around and bump into people carelessly, they avoid me, knowing to now get in the way. My door slams and I almost cringe when I feel the room shake from the force I used.  I move to lock the door behind me in-case Eric decided to make a surprise appearance.

My stomach grumbles and I sigh and head over the fridge, stopping when I hear footsteps stop directly at the door, then I hear knocks.

"Babe, let me in." I hear Eric's voice, then he sighs, "Babe." He says again, knocking, I ignore him and continue to get food, he continues to knock for another 10 minutes before he stops, I wait in silence and eventually hear his footsteps dim until the point I can't hear anything, I breath out in relief, I didn't want to see him for a while, I couldn't believe he spoke to me like, I wouldn't let whatever was happening between us, even if we were having a child together, continue if he would be abusive in anyway, even if he spoke to me like that again, I would make sure he knew I wasn't going to take any shit from him.

I keep a close watch on this heart of mine

I keep my eyes wide open all the time

For hours I contemplate on everything between us, I think that would I be able to simply walk away from someone I know I have feelings for, even this deep of a feeling that I knew I wouldn't be as happy as I would be now without him, could I go through parenthood without him at my side? To be blunt, could I live without him?

I keep the ends out for the tie that binds

Because you're mine, I walk the line

Before I know it it's dark outside, I have been thinking about Eric's relationship with me and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't give us a go, giving up before things really got serious between us. I unlock the door, knowing that Eric wasn't the type to give up after one go and move into the bedroom, undressing and getting into bed, I wait up for a while and eventually hear the door open, then a sigh of relief, I feel my lips tug up, knowing that it was Eric, I hear him walk around the apartment for a bit before, his steps stop just outside the bedroom door, I sit up in bed, waiting for his figure to come through the door.

I find it very, very easy to be true

I find myself alone when each day is through

Finally, he comes through the door, and his eyes find mine.

Brown meets Blue.

I watch him slowly walk over to the bed, he tugs off his boots and sits on the bed, his back to me, then he turns his head to look at me, he grasps my hand and runs his thumb over my knuckles.

Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you

Because you're mine, I walk the line

His lips meet my knuckles as he holds up my hand to his mouth, I blush at the sweet gesture, this was the Eric I missed when I walked away from him, why would he change due to a simple job position? He pulls away and slowly pulls off his clothes, I watch as parts of his body becomes greeted to my eyes, I watch as his skin is shown to the world.

You've got a way to keep me on your side

You give me cause for love that I can't hide

He gets into bed beside me, this time, instead of me cuddling up to him, he's cuddling to my body, his head rested on my chest, his arms wrapped around my middle, keeping me close to him at all costs. I let my hand run through his hair, messing it a little due to the little amount of gel he uses to keep it neat during the day.

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