Chapter Twenty-One - His Eyes

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I hummed as I slowly traced Luna's face with my finger, she was currently asleep, her hands in tight fists. I had recently dressed her in the 'Daddy's Little Soldier' baby-grow, Eric hadn't held her yet, he was just happy watching her with me, watching her like he was hoping that this moment with burn in his memory forever, burn behind his eyelids, his eyes barely left her. He had just left to get himself some food and a shower, an order on my part because he didn't want to leave, but I made the argument that she was here, safe and with me sleeping, he was still hesitant but I pleaded with him, jokingly telling him that he stunk of sweat, when in reality, he smelt fine, but I wanted him to relax for a while whilst I was here.

As I slowly rocked Luna, she yawned a little and squinted, her eyes slowly opening a little. I gasped when I saw an exact replica of Eric's eyes looking around the room, not exactly focusing on anything. I smiled at her, after weeks of wondering who's eyes she would have, I finally had the answer. I resumed humming as I rocked back and forth again, her eyes closed again and she fell asleep. I slowly moved, placing her in the cot that the nurse supplied whilst we were in the infirmary, I laid back in the bed, turning to face as her as she slept. I heard footsteps behind me before a pair of lips his my forehead, I turned to find a clean Eric stood behind me, looking at Luna as she slept.

"You'll never guess what." I whispered, scared of waking her. He looked down at me.

"What?" He asked quickly, and I moved to his up on the bed, looking at him. I smile, feeling completely bewitched by Luna.

"She has your eyes, they're so bright." I tell him, watching his lips twitch up before smiling, running a hand through his hair, he slowly moved towards her, quietly moving a chair so he could sit beside her cot, watching her as she slept. I move to lay on my side again, watching him.

"Why haven't you held her yet?" I ask him, and his eyes never leave her.

"I don't want to hurt her." He says, leaning his chin on his hand, "I hit you once, and I regret it so bad, but if I touched her, hurt her, I could never live with myself." I frown to myself.

"You can hold her without hurting her, you know, and what happened with me was an accident, I forgive you for that." I explained to him, feeling heartache, knowing why Eric would hold his own baby. He didn't even reply to me, just looked at Luna as she slept, I stayed silent, knowing Eric was in his own thoughts. I turned when I heard various footsteps behind us, so I turned onto my back and sat up just as Tori, Four, Max and Amar walked in, looking around the room before noticing us, Tori smiled happily, more or less skipping over to us, the others following behind her.

"Hey" She whispered, hugging me tightly. I smiled at the other over her shoulder as I hugged her. Four smiled a little as he watched us, looking over at Eric and Luna, Max walked over to stand behind Eric and he placed a hand on his shoulder and he crouched down a little, looking at Luna. Tori pulled away from me and before I could say or do anything, Amar leaned down and hugged me tightly.

"You now have a little gremlin." Amar joked as he hugged me, I smacked his shoulder as I pulled away from the hug.

"She's not even a day old yet and you're already calling her a gremlin." I say to him, fighting off a laugh. He shrugged and walked over to Eric and Max, looking at Luna, watching her as she wriggled slightly in her cot. I watched as Eric slowly put his hands in the cot, manoeuvring to pick her up, I watched with a baited breath as he slowly lifted her. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her carefully against his chest and I almost sighed in relief when he kept a hold on her, keeping her safe. His hand closest to her hand slowly moved, rubbing his thumb against the back of her head, almost like it was soothing him as well as her.

 He glances at me before looking back at her, completely enamoured by her. I turned to look back at Tori and Four, Four smiled at me as he quickly leaned down to hug me, Tori sat in the spare chair beside me as the guys just stood. Eric passed Luna to Max, who shuffled his arms a little to get a comfortable hold on Luna, before staying still. He cooed at her a little, giving a whole different side to himself out for a while as he held her, he laughed a little as her fists waved a little before she stilled, settling down. Max passed her over to Amar, who was nearly bouncing in excitement, but calmed down once she was in his arms.

"Wow, she actually looks beautiful." He said, "Coming from Eric over here I was expecting her to be born with badass tattoos and piercings." He joked, making me giggle a little. Eric snorted, sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. Amar passed Luna over me and towards Tori, who was all for holding her, playing with Luna's fingers, trying to get her to loosen the fists.

They all eventually left, Four didn't feel comfortable holding Luna, even when Eric was glaring at him slightly, he just hugged me and gave congratulations before leaving with the others.  I sigh as I lay back, Luna was back in her cot, sleeping still and Eric moved her next to the bed, and he moved to sit next to her, slumping in the seat.

"Now, missy," He directed to me, "Get some rest." He pointed a finger at me, I sighed, knowing there was no point in fighting him, and laid back, closing my eyes.

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