Chapter Thirty-One - The Stars

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It was late night, I was on the roof of the compound, looking up at the sky. Eric had asked to meet me here early today, Luna was with Tori, she had her for the night, my guess what that Eric had planned a date or something but there nothing on the roof, so I sat by the railings and waited for him to show up. I turned my head when I heard the door open, seeing Eric come through with a bag in his hands, he quickly came by me, sitting by the rails beside me. He opened up the bag, passing me a styrofoam box, I opened it and saw that he had brought food with him, I smiled as I started to eat, bumping my shoulders with his.

"So, what's all this about?" I asked him and he looks over to me, swallowing his food before starting to talk.

"I just wanted to spend some private time with you, outside the apartment for once." He explained and I laughed

"Outside the apartment? I think you mean our bedroom." I continued to laugh as he smirked over at me, winking. He passed me a beer from the bag as we continued to talk and eat.

"Do you remember the first time you saw me?" He asked me and I nodded, thinking back to the Choosing Ceremony from 2 years ago. Him being dressed in Erudite clothing, today, it made me laugh to think about him being in blue clothing, he suited the black clothing, the tattoos, the piercings, I couldn't imagine him in blue clothing and glasses, carrying books and a tablet, the usual things that Erudite had around their compound. I had been with Max beforehand.

"I actually saw you at your Choosing Ceremony, I noticed your eyes as you were sat amongst the Erudite, then I watched you as you walked over and transferred to Dauntless, you actually looked over at me, but your attention was taken else where." I said, remembering everything, he looked younger, more innocent then. But, then again, he was younger, it was two years ago now. I was now 20, nearing 21, and he was 18.

"Then, I next saw you on this roof, then I watched you jump and from then on it was history." I ended.

"I think I noticed you properly when you put a gun to an initiates head and said you preferred baby-girl instead of baby." Eric laughed, I snorted, thinking back to it.

"So, baby, what are we doing?" He asked, and I turned to him, finding him yawning and grinning at me as the gun hanged limp in his hand. I grabbed a gun beside me, quickly checking the ammo, and set one in the chamber before placing it against his head.

"Wake the fuck up, Candor, this isn't some game, they're real guns with real bullets so unless you want one in your head, get a grip on reality." I said, "And I hate being called baby, I'm more for baby-girl" I continued, my teeth clenched, he nodded shakily, and I put the gun away, taking the bullets out and crossing my arms over my chest.

"I think that was probably one of the best things I've ever done." I laughed. Eric finished eating, putting his box back inside the bag, linking his fingers together as he looked out into the distance.

"I remember the night I slept with you, the first time." Eric said as I finished eating, "I was pretty drunk, but then I saw you alone in the bar, so I came over to you, and you attached yourself to me straight away, and I didn't want to push you away, I was obsessed with you, well, I still am, but that's not the point, I didn't mean to sleep with you then, I wanted to wait until I got passed initiation but after that night I knew I couldn't stay away from you." He took my breath away, there was nothing I could say to that.

"Remember when me and Amar showed you and the initiates combat?" I ask and he nods, "Were you jealous seeing Amar touch me, I remember seeing you looking angry, your jaw was clenched like you were holding back, I knew that was after we had first slept together so back then I put the two together.." I trailed off, waiting for him to explain.

"I was pretty sure you two where together then, so I felt angry that I didn't get you first, well, I thought I wouldn't so I tried everything I could but then I found out you weren't together so I did everything I could get to get your attention." He explained to me, and I blushed. I started to move around, he seemed anxious.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he looked over to me before knocking, sighing. He stood up and held his hand out to me, helping me stand up. He brought out a small box from his pocket, then kneeling down in-front of me, my eyes widened as I realised what he was doing.

"Oh my god," I whispered, I looked down at him as he looked up at me.

Brown meets blue again. As always.

He smiled as he opened the box, holding it up slightly so I could see the ring, it glistened in the light, the sun was starting to go down. It was perfect.

"Belle," He started, grasping one of my hands in his, "I'm not the one usually for speeches, but I can make a special case for this one," He laughed, "For a guy from Erudite who thought he'd just get through initiation without thinking about what could happen in the future, now I find myself constantly thinking about it with you, now, with a beautiful daughter who I love with all my heart, I find myself thinking about taking us to the next stage in our relationship." He gulped before continuing, "Will you marry me?" He asked, finishing his romantic speech.

I gaped at him, "You really want to get married?" I asked him, not bothering to fight off the smile, he grinned up at me, nodding, "Then, yes, I will marry you." I tell him, watching as he took the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger, he then stood up and grabbed my face in his hands, smacking his lips onto mine, it was quick and powerful, almost harsh.

"Holy shit, we're getting married." I said, almost in shock, he laughed, pulling me into a hug, his face going into my neck. By now it was fully dark and I looked up at the sky, seeing the stars shine back down.

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