Chapter Thirty - Childs Play

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I was dreaming, I knew that much. I could hear a lullaby being played from a jewellery box. I walked down a familiar looking corridor, stopping at the door where I could hear the lullaby coming from. I stopped at the door, hesitating. I slowly opened the door, coming face to face with a small girl, the lullaby stops playing.

"Mummy? Where's Daddy?"

I gasped, sitting up in bed. Eric was still sleeping beside me, unaware of me waking up. I sigh as I look around the room. I feel a little freaked out, remembering everything in the dream, the lullaby seemed familiar but I couldn't place where from. I get up from bed, goose-bumps on my skin as I leave the warmth, I leave my room, slowly making my way to Luna's room to check on her. I open the door quietly and look inside, she's asleep so I close the door, making sure not to make too much noise.

I walk to the kitchen, getting a cup of water before sitting on the sofa, trying to think why I would dream such a weird thing. I curl up on the sofa, watching the twinkling lights from the window, Erudite in the distance. I jump when I hear footsteps coming closer. I turn just in time to see Eric standing behind me.

"Why are you up?" He asks me, his hands rubbing his face for a second before looking at me.

"Just had a weird dream that woke me up, decided to get a drink before coming back." I said to him, he just looked down at me before nodding, picking me up in his arms and carrying me back to our room, he dropped me on the bed before laying beside me.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked after a silent moment between us. I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head.

"Nope, it was nothing to worry about" I say, smiling at him. He looked me in the eyes for a moment, probably judging to see if I was lying. He just sighed before nodding. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"Try to go back to sleep." He murmured before laying down, pulling me close and closing his eyes. I stay awake for a little bit longer, playing with his hair. I slowly drift to sleep, starting to feel relaxed. When I wake up, he's no longer in bed, the sunlight is streaming in from the window, almost blinding me. I stretch in the bed, then get up.

"Mummy! Mummy!" The child voice from my dream runs in my head. I lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, trying to figure out why I would have such a strange dream, why would a child I don't know or recognise be in my dreams. I sit up in bed, looking around the room, trying to think, but also trying to forget the dream. It was confusing, but I decided it was best to forget about it, and live in the moment, not dwelling on the mystery.

I dress in a jumpsuit, quick and easy to change and head into the living room, finding Luna in her high-chair, Eric feeding her baby food, I stop walking, feeling shocked, she was a total daddy's girl, and he knew it. Eric turned and looked at me, smirking a little.

"Maybe it's just you." He said, shrugging, "All I did was pass her spoon, well, I kept a hold of it a little, but she did the rest, leading it to her mouth." He continued, I walked over to them both with a smile, kissing her forehead, relieved that she was eating. I move around the tufts of hair on her head, making it less messy. I walked around the kitchen, getting myself some food as I sat beside them, watching as Eric fed her.

"What's the plan today?" Eric asked, looking over to me for a second before turning back to Luna, feeding her spoon after spoon of food, her legs kicking underneath the chair.

"I can keep Luna in the shop with me as I work for a little bit, then come by the office and we can stay with you." I suggested, and he nodded.

"Sure, I guess I can make time for my family." He sighed jokingly, smiling to himself. I smirked as I ate. Luna started to get fussy so Eric stopped feeding her, then stood to clean up, this was when I realised he was shirtless, showing off his muscles, I blushed when he caught my gaze, looking smug. He moved to stand behind me, both of his arms wrapping around my shoulders, pulling me close. My cheeks still burned with the proximity.

He left kisses along my neck, then sighed as he sagged against me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, it was usual to see him like this, even when we were at home, sure, he was relaxed but I had never seen him like this. He nodded and I turned to look at him, not trusting the single gesture, he smiled, reassuring me. I lean up to kiss his cheek before leaving him stood there, moving to pick up Luna and I head to her room, dressing her then gathering some stuff for her, extra food and nappies. Eric walks over to the door just as I was about to leave, he's just putting a shirt over his head as I open the door, he leans over and kisses my lips then kisses Luna's forehead.

"I'll see you later." He says and I nod, leaving him there. Tori has a little section of the shop sectioned off, I get some toys out for her as place her inside the little pen, she's kept occupied by her toys as I work close by her, never more than 5 feet away from her. I hum as I move around the shop, cleaning after my last customer, when I look up to the Amity transfer that kissed Eric come into the shop, she looked fidgety, playing with her fingers.

"Can I help you?" I drawl out, looking at her. She bits her lip before speaking quietly.

"I came for a tattoo." She said, looking at me briefly before looking at the floor, I keep my face emotionless as I walk over to the tattoo templates, tapping them, gaining her attention.

"Take a look around and then come over to the machine and we'll start, shouldn't take any longer than an hour." I said and she nodded quickly, scooting over to the templates as I set up the machine, minutes later she came over and I started the machine up, placing the template where she wanted and got the machine started.

"Erudite got this working for us, quicker and better looking than the old method." I said, she just looked at the tattoo forming on her arm. A few minutes later, it's done and I'm getting her tattoo covered, making sure it's clean.

"Give me your points card, and we should be all done." I added and she moved up onto her feet, getting her card from her pocket, handing it over and I scan it, taking the points for the tattoo and hand it back, waving her off. I clean up the toys and get her ready to leave, before making sure the newbie in the shop turns up and I leave him and Tori with the rest of the customers.

When I get to Eric's office, he has it set up for Luna already. I place her with her toys and sit back on one of his chairs, sighing as I get off my feet.

"Rough day?" He asks, looking over some papers on his desk.

"Amity came for a tattoo, had to be nice." I said, shrugging, "Other than that it was okay, pretty boring."

"Was she fussy when eating?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I think she just wanted you to feed her for the first time." I added, looking over to him, "She's such a daddy's girl it kills me." He grinned, looking up at me.

"Maybe the next one will be a mummy's boy, or girl." He shrugs, I look at him with wide eyes.

"You're definite on another kid?" I ask him, and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, why stop at one?" He questioned, "It'd be fun trying, I promise." He winked at me, and I laughed.

"That's your only and favourite part of getting and being pregnant." I said, still laughing, but stopped when I thought about it, "Maybe later in the future, but not now, maybe in a few years." He thought about it for a minute and nodded.

"Fair enough." He said, and I grew a little suspicious, Eric didn't normally let something do so easily, but I let it go, he had his reasoning for everything.

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