Chapter Seventeen - Lullabies

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I hum to myself, recognising the lullaby that my mother used to sing to me when I was under, as I fold clothes, my own, Eric's and some stuff that I had bought and had just cleaned, ready for wearing, when the baby arrived. I ran a hand through my recently re-dyed hair, the last time I would do it for a while, considering I would probably be so busy in the upcoming months. I started humming the familiar tune again as I moved around the apartment, I moved to the babies room, putting the clothes in the cot, before moving to the closet with some in hand, putting them away.

Some arms wrapped around me, the hands holding my stomach, their lips touching my neck as I continued to put away clothes. I closed my eyes with a smile as I continued to hum the song.

"What is this song?" Eric murmured, his lips moving against my neck as he listened to me.

"I don't know," I admit, "It's something my mother would sing to me nearly every day, where it was when I was around the house, just in the same room as her, or if I had a nightmare and she came into my room late at night, it was always this song." I tell him, "No words, just humming."

"It sounds nice." He admit minutes later, as I continue, I turn to smile at him, leaning into his chest, his arms moving to wrap around my shoulders, I moved my arms around his torso. His hands started to run up and down my back. I sighed as I let myself relax.

"I think we're all stocked up on everything we could possibly need." Eric laughs a little, and I smile a little, looking up at him, pulling away from his chest a little.

"Okay, no more stuff until it's really needed, I promise." I say to him, leaning up to kiss his lips briefly, before going over to the cot to pick up the rest of the clothes to put away, he follows me into our room and watches me as I put away the clothes, I continue to hum, knowing that Eric likes it. It almost soothing it's self to just do it. After I finish, I move to lay on the bed, Eric sits beside me, running a hand through my hair, slowly.

"Are you okay? Not feeling any pain or aches?" He asked me, and I shake my head. He smiles a little and kisses my forehead, "I'm heading out, Max wants me to work on setting up the fear simulations so I can do them by the time the next initiates come by in a few months." He tells me and I sigh a little.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later." I tell him and he watches me for a moment, he looks reluctant but continues anyway.

"Why don't I walk you to the control room so you can hang out with Four?" He suggests and I sit up, as quick as I can. I grab his hand and he walks me to the control room door, kisses me quickly before rushing away to meet with Max, I sigh before walking in, most of the people look up to watch me enter but don't say anything. I walk over behind Four and cover his eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I sing.

"The blue-haired witch that haunts me?" Four jokes and I playfully gasped, pulling away my hands.  I hit his shoulder lightly before pulling over a chair from beside a little further away and sit beside him.

"So what can I do for the pregnant leader?" He asks me, looking at me with a small smile.

"Eric actually walked me here before going over to find Max, something about simulation training, learning to administer the injection and such ready for the next bunch of kiddies that will arrive in a few months." I explain and watch as his eyebrows rise a little.

"Eric left you outside here, knowing I was in here?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah, he thought we had a thing not so long ago and now he's leaving you with his most precious thing." I joked about myself, "Who knows, you could both end up best friends." I laugh as Four cringes.

"Me and Eric? Friends? It's more likely for you to become a monkey first." He chuckles, looking back at his monitor, looking at the security cameras.

"I still don't know how you both ended up together, you're both pretty different, but both can be really brutal." He says, leaning his head against his hand, as he continues to look at the monitor.

"I just liked him when I first met him, he took no hit from anybody, not even from me for a while but after we slept together, mistakenly may I add," I point my finger at him, "He just did a 180 on me, he changed, he became nicer to me, I even pushed him away a few times because of what happened," I continue, motioning to myself, "I wasn't even going to tell him at first, but Tori and Amar convinced me. I haven't even seen Amar in a while." I trailed off.

"I've seen him around." Four said, putting my thoughts at ease for a while, "He's doing okay, he told me busy a lot." I nodded to myself, "You'll probably see him again when it comes to doing initiation again."

"What do you think would've happened if you hadn't told Eric?" Four asks, and I think about it for a moment.

"I probably would've been the same, but perhaps a whole lot more upset, and who knows, Eric was a smart Erudite, he may have figured it out." I smirk to myself, Eric is basically a Erudite in Dauntless clothing, but he's ruthless.

"I can tell you love him." Four tells me, looking at me in the eye, "It's like you become love-drunk when someone mentions him, or when you speak about him. It's nice to see for once, in Abnegation, it was like nobody had emotions." He explained and I nodded.

"Erudite was close, my parents were pretty loving but most people had children to just continue names or to study what it was like to be pregnant." I tell him and he wrinkles his nose. I smile at him, "So, when I can find you a pretty lady?" I joke with him and he laughs a little.

"I'm happy just being on my own right now." He says and I nod, knowing not to pressure him into anything. A few hours later, Eric stands by the door and I stand, my legs feeling like jelly from sitting for so long and I grasp Eric's hand before waving over to Four, he waves back with a smile before returning back to his work.

Eric lead me home, helping me lay on the bed, I sigh as I let the weight off my feet. Eric asks about my day as I fight the need to sleep, but I fall asleep as Eric talks to me about his day, the last thing I hear is that he's boasting about how much progress he's making and that Max is going to cut down his training with how much progress he's making. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, the words on the tip of my tongue. He knew I was proud of him anyway, and I'd tell him any time of the day.

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