Chapter Twenty-Three - Right Back At It

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Weeks later, and it's time for the Choosing Ceremony and transfers and stays of initiates between factions. Luna had gotten a little bigger, especially with how much Eric fed her, he wanted her strong, even at a young age, I knew he wanted her to stay at Dauntless, and I too wanted that, but I couldn't make her if that wasn't the way for her, but she was only a baby and I had the next 16 years of her life to love her and guide her the right way in life. I was currently stood in the training room, Luna in my arms, Amar and Four beside me, chatting idly as Max and Eric were on the roof above us.

I had Luna today, for the first day, since Eric was going to be sitting in also on the training between Four and I, Amar decided to stick to the simulations this year, since Eric and Four would be doing the training with us.

I hummed to Luna, trying to keep her occupied with something but her eyes was constantly moving around the room, taking in her new surroundings.

"How are you?" Four directs to me, I look from Luna to him with a smile.

"I'm okay, getting waked up at random hours each night is an adventure I don't look forward to each night, but," I sigh, "Overall, I'm happy." I say and he smiles widely, looking genuinely happy for me.

"I still can't believe that Eric helped make such a pretty girl." Four added, playing with one of Luna's fists, causing her head to zoom around to look at him, her eyes wide. Four babbles to her, and I let him as I watch the net, waiting any moment for the first jumper to come down.  Soon, the first jumper is announced and people cheer, I hush Luna, in-case she didn't like the noises but instead, she babbled, not really pronouncing anything but more like mumbling.

I grin down at her, playing with her chubby cheeks. The first jumper, a Amity transfer, something that's not usual between factions, for example a Abnegation transferring to Erudite, it was clear that there was tension between the both factions, much like Amity and Dauntless, both complete opposites.

I don't pay attention to the rest of the jumpers, but wait until after they've left with Amar and Four to the dorms for Eric and Max to jump down, Eric jumps down first and looks over at me, keeping up his hard cover, no emotion on the outside, but once he's a couple of centimetres away from us, he smiles a little and kisses my forehead, then smiles down at Luna, his hand holding her head, stroking across her thin hair, which was matching to his, a light blonde.

Max walks past us with a nod, probably going back to being the main leader, talking with other faction leaders, something that happens every so often, meetings do also take place within each faction every so often.

Eric leads us out of the training room for the time being, directing us to the Pit whilst the initiates settle in for a few minutes, changing from their old faction clothes into some that were supplied to them, basic black clothing; shirts, trousers, socks, some boots too.

Eric passes me a bottle from the baby bag he had carried here for me, and I take it to start feeding Luna, she starts suckling greedily. Eric and I don't speak, no words have to be exchanged between us. My eyes move to the new initiates that are now walking into the Pit, following Four as he gives them the final part of the tour.

"And this is the Pit, you can have 10 minutes to get something quick to eat or drink and then you'll meet us back at the training room, where we can go through the basics and we can tell you what will be happening during the initiation and what will happen to some of you." Four leaves them, they all look at each other confused before dispatching, some going into groups, not so much of a good idea so early in the initiation, but they will learn.

Four walks over to us, sitting beside me, he sighs.

"None of them look that too good yet, look normal." He says, and I tut at him.

"Just because they look plain doesn't mean they won't be good Dauntless, give them a chance." I say, feeling a little defensive of them, I couldn't pinpoint why I was like this right now. Four just shrugs. We wait around for a few minutes and Four gets their attention, letting them know to head down to the training room. I grab the small bag from Eric and put it on my shoulder before getting Luna secure in my arms.

I turn to Eric and he lets one of his arms wrap around my shoulders as we both walk down to the training room, Four in-front of us.

"So, are you sticking to the typical, fight first, guns and knifes second then simulations or are you changing it around this year?" I ask Eric and he just winks at me, "How am I supposed to train if I don't know what the plan is, Eric?" I question him, slightly sarcastic.

"You don't have to work for a while because, Four, Amar and I are starting the simulations today, draw out the weakest ones first." He explained and I sighed, shaking my head at him.

"This is going to be bad.." I trail off, but stop when we reach the training room, the initiates are stood in-front of us, Four is stood beside us, his arms crossed over his chest, Eric's arm moves away from my shoulders and he stands beside me, I'm between Four and Eric at this point.

"Welcome to your training initiates," Eric begins, "Throughout training we'll go through combat, weapons and going into your mind to see your fears." He finishes.

"This year we're mixing it up, normally we would start with combat, but we're going backwards this time, starting with your fears, then weapons then finishing with combat." Four buts in.

"Don't get too comfortable here though, if you rank too low, you leave." Eric adds, a smirk appearing on his face. The initiates shuffle amongst themselves, they didn't get told about it.

"What?" A Candor transfer buts in, shock covering her face, "Leave?"

"Yes, as in you leave the faction and can't go home to your parents, you end up factionless." Eric replies, rolling his eyes. Some of the initiates murmur between themselves, some looked panicked, "Are you afraid? Would that piece of information stopped you from transferring into Dauntless?" He goaded, "Maybe most of you won't make it at all, maybe some of you will leave the compound during the night.." He shrugged to himself, walking away, leaving me, Luna, Four and a bunch of panicky initiates.

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