Chapter Thirteen - Broken

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Tori lets me hang out at her place for a while, she heads to work as I relax at her place, sitting around the her apartment as I calm myself down. I couldn't think to myself when things went wrong, I remembered before I transferred and I saw Dauntless couples with each other, it was like watching penguins, from what I knew from the books I used to read in Erudite, penguins mated for life, it was like watching that with Dauntless couples, they were together forever, passionately loving each other. I hiccupped as I choke back the sobs fighting their way through my lips. My shoulders shake as they break through.

My eyes close as I let the darkness of sleep take over me.

Eric's cold eyes haunt me, they're following me with every move I make, I can't escape them. They grow more cold, meaner the longer they look at me, his hands grip me tightly, one on my arm, one making their way to my neck, the grip getting tighter and tighter and the air starts to get thinner and thinner, and I soon stop getting air to my lungs. A sneer makes its way to his face, his eyes squinting as he puts more pressure on my neck.

I gasp when I wake up, these kind of dreams are becoming more frequent the past few days and I try to forget them, but whenever I do see him around the compound during the day when we're both working, it makes its way to my memory, making me freeze when I remember it. He's still distant, he didn't ask about the baby or myself after the infirmary incident. I walk to Tori's bathroom and splash cold water onto my face, trying to get my breathing regulated. I glance at my reflection, staring at my body, looking at the bump. I sighed as I let my hand run over it, ignoring the small sensations that I was feeling from the child inside.

I sit back in the living room, before deciding to head back to my apartment, wanting to change clothes, I close the door, locking it with the spare key Tori gave me in-case, and rush back home, noticing that Eric as nowhere in site and quickly changed into a black jumpsuit, relaxing, no strain on my body from tight clothes. I relax some more with the silence around the home and with no sign of Eric coming home any time soon, I gather some more clothes and make my way back to Tori's apartment, not far of a walk but with my stomach getting bigger each day, a waddle was upcoming, it was subtle now, but soon it would be more noticeable. I sigh when one my clothing items hit the floor, I struggle to grab it from the floor, and almost sigh in relief when a hand picks it up for me and hands it to me, I smile, looking up to thank the person than the smile falls from my face when I notice who it was.

The colour probably left my face.

"You shouldn't be bending over for anything on the floor." Eric said, his blue eyes looking into mine, his face impassive. I gulp and nod, not daring to speak a word, his eyes never leave me. His eyes look me up and down.

"How are you?" He asks, for the first time in a while, actually caring enough to see how I am, how our child is. It warms me slightly but I couldn't shake the dreams away as they creeped into my thoughts again. I nod, scared to utter a word and make him angry, I was scared he would hit me, even in a public area. Then I realised nodding was exactly an answer to his question.

"I'm okay." I say, my voice cracking and he nods, running a hand through his hair, making it slightly less neat as it was seconds ago.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks, his feet shuffling against the floor and I step back a little, my breathing getting quicker, I was pretty sure I was close to having an anxiety attack. I clear my throat.

"I think it's best we have some time apart.." I start, my palms getting sweaty. Eric's hand grasps my arm and I shake a little, it was just like my dream.

"Why?" His voice was a little rough, like he was trying to hide his emotions.

"We're just not the same anymore, you're so cold and I've become scared of you Eric, I don't want to be with someone I'm scared of, so I wanted to spend some time away so I can get over being scared of you." I explained, my voice shaking. His grip slowly fell off me, and he stepped away, shock over his face. I let my arms wrap around me, trying to stop myself from shaking so much. I walked around him as he continued to stand, looking down at the ground.

I rush the rest of the way to Tori's place and lock the door behind me. My hands shake as I hold them out in-front of me, I am unable to stop it as the silent tears fall down my face. The next few hours quickly pass by, I take a shower, taking my time, letting the water fall onto my face as I wash away the tear tracks from my face. I jump when I hear Tori shout out my name when she comes through the door as I dress. Putting the jumpsuit back on, I meet Tori in her living room and she gives me a quick smile as I let my wet hair fall over my shoulders.

"I spotted Eric a few minutes ago." She said and I nodded, "He looked a little sad, did he see you?" and I nod, "What happened?" She asked, looking sympathetic.

"I told him how I felt." I said and she nodded, understanding from what I explained to her earlier on.

"Well, what's going to happen between the power-couple of Dauntless?" She asks and I shrug, not even sure myself.

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