Chapter Twenty-Six - Candor

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"I knew Amity was always for free love but seriously?" I say, it echoes in the big, almost empty room. Eric and the Amity transfers' heads turn towards me, Eric's eyes widen as the Amity girl avoids eye contact. I raise one eyebrow at them both, then clear my throat. I shuffle Luna on my hip, moving closer to them both.

"I'm not the one for being possessive, but, didn't you know that we were in a relationship?" I asked the Amity girl, getting face to face with her. She didn't say anything, just turned her body away from me. Eric just tried to move closer to me, trying to grasp my arm but I pulled away.

"Stop that." I said to him, "Just tell me why you kissed him?" I asked her, getting more agitated. Eric got a grip on my waist and pulled me away from her, standing behind me. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was glaring at the Amity girl. I sighed when she didn't answer, like she was afraid to or she had no specific reasoning. It annoyed me further.  I reached forward, my fist flying ahead of me, hitting her nose, she cried out as she held it between both her hands, a single tear working her way down her cheek.

I pulled away from Eric, rushing out the training room. I head straight home, noticing that it was getter darker, and that Luna was getting tired, her eyes drooping as she tried to stay awake. I slowly down a little as I got to the corridor where our apartment is, I hummed to her as her eyes dropped, her head falling against my shoulder. I quietly entered the apartment, rocking Luna as I made my way to her room, placing her in her cot and covering her in a blanket, before turning off the lights and leaving her room.

I sigh as I take off my boots and jacket, throwing them by the sofa before pacing around the room again. It seems like a common occurrence. My head looks up when I hear the door open, Eric walks through before shutting the door behind him, his eyes on mine. He leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What to explain what the hell I walked in on?" I asked him, feeling defeated with all the thoughts running through my head, such as; maybe I was doing much for him, maybe because I had a baby that I wasn't attractive enough anymore. There was so much going through my mind.

Eric shuffled a little before answering, "An initiate developed feelings that wasn't replicated, she tried to convince me that I did have feelings, what she though was flirting was actually me trying to help her with her stance during fighting. She thought because I touched her sides that I was coming onto her and she got me to stay behind, telling me she had something that was important, I thought that it was something that was going on within the dorms so I stayed and just as she finished telling me how she felt, you walked in." 

I just looked at him, not sure if I believed him, it sounded cliché. My eyes squinted in his direction. Eric moved over to me, pulling me closer to his body.

"You're thinking that I would cheat on you, after everything, after me chasing you whilst I was an initiate and now that we're together with a baby you're thinking I'd go for some hippy who's probably still hyped up on drugs." He states, his face getting closer to mine, "Think again, baby-girl." I melt at the nickname, it just gets to me no matter what he does.

I sigh and nod, "Just make sure she doesn't do it again, because if it does maybe she'll loose a finger or two." He grins down at me before kissing me.

He pulls away for a second, "You know you broke her nose right?" and I nod.

"That was the plan since she kissed you." I told him, placing my lips back on his. He reacted straight away, his hands moving all over my body, one eventually wrapping in my hair, another on my ass. I move my hands to his head, one hand in his hair and another on his jaw. Our lips continued to caress each other but we stopped when I hear Luna crying from her bedroom. I sighed as I pulled from him, getting down my tiptoes, I didn't realise I had leaned up to him.

"I'll get her." I said to him, smiling at him, "Just promise me you won't kiss another initiate, hell, even another girl that's not me or Luna." He saluted me playfully as I left the room. I grabbed Luna from her cot and rocked her until she stopped crying, but whimpered. I checked everything and put it down to just wanting attention and put her back in her cot, standing over her to keep an eye on her until she fell asleep.

I stroked her cheek, watching her squirm a little in her sleep.  

I hummed to myself as I cleaned some of the toys that were laid around her room, I didn't notice Eric in the doorway until I had turned and faced in that direction, jumping out of my skin.

My heart rate sped up a little, then slowed.

"Why are you set on scaring me?" I asked him, a small smile on my face as I turn to him, I lean against him, resting my head on his chest as he rests his on-top of mine. I keep my eyes on Luna, watching her sleep from the doorway, Eric's lips hit my head, staying there for a few seconds, longer than usual, I move a little to glance up at him, his eyes are on Luna. Eric pulls back and looks down at me.

"Come on, I want to sleep with my beautiful girlfriend, before my beautiful daughter wakes us up in the middle of the night." He states, picking me up, making me squeal a little, making Eric shush me, I giggle as he carries me to our bedroom.

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