Chapter Twenty-Four - Daddy Visitations

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I paced around the apartment, Luna was in a baby-chair, toys surrounding her. The way that the initiates didn't know about the issue of being kicked out annoyed me, surely this is something that should've been mentioned or brought up during the ceremony. I couldn't stand being in the apartment any longer so I grabbed Luna and headed out, keeping her warm by wrapping her in my jacket, then zipping it slightly, keeping her close to my chest. I quickly walk down the simulation rooms, walking past the initiates, some of them look at me in wonder, knowing I have a connection to Eric.

I walk straight into the room, glaring at Eric a little just as he injects a shaking initiate, clearly afraid of needles but doesn't want to say anything to make Eric mad.

"We need to talk." I say, then leave the room, stomping past the other initiates. I hear a door shut behind me and fast footsteps, before my name is shouted.

"Belle, wait." I hear Eric shout at me, I turn and stop, watching him catch up to me. His arms cross over his chest as he stops in-front of me, I glare at him some more, "What was that about?" He asks me.

"Why wasn't initiates told beforehand about the cuts, it's something that should've been mentioned, why wasn't  it?" I asked him, feeling angry, I was close to ripping my hair out. Eric's eyes widened before squinting at me.

"Why are you bringing this up?" He asks, running a hand through his hair, "It's just something me and Max agreed on." I raised my eyebrows.

"You can't do that, all the leaders are supposed to agree on it." I said to him, my eyes widening. I shake my head and turn, walking away from him. I looked down at Luna as she looked around.

"So much for seeing Daddy, huh?" I say to her, kissing her forehead before heading back to the apartment. I put Luna back in her chair as I get some milk ready for her, as it's heating up a little, I hear the door open and close, I stiffen a little knowing it's Eric.

"How dare you even come into the simulation room like that, couldn't you have just waited." He said, his teeth clenched, I stayed stiff, knowing that tone of voice. I swallow before picking up Luna's bottle and slowly turning to him, scared to look at him.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, avoiding to look in his eyes. He takes the bottle from me and walks to the living room, I lean against the counter for moment, pleading for this to be a one time thing, I couldn't go through this again. I rub my face a few times, before getting some water and splash my face. I avoid looking at him as I enter the living room, and stop, thinking of something to do, then move to the bathroom, deciding to do something whilst I avoid Eric, so I decide to shower.

As I'm showering, I try to think of things to say to get Eric to calm down enough to understand why I'm mad about the kicking out of initiates, but yet I also couldn't understand why Max didn't come to me and the other leaders about this, why would he go to Eric, the new leader. I sighed as I washed my hair, coming up with nothing.

I wrap a towel around myself as I leave the bathroom, then jump when I see Eric sat on the bed, looking at me, his arm crossed over his chest.

"Where's.." I ask Eric but he cuts me off

"She's in her cot, sleeping." He said, "Now, tell me why you're so pissed." He more or less commands me.

"It's angering me because it's like we're leading children to becoming factionless, if they're transferring they have no idea what trainings consist of and they think that they would at the least get a low ranking but now they're getting their lives ended by fending for themselves amongst the factionless." I explain then sigh, "Imagine if it was Luna, and she got kicked out, she would be factionless, fending for herself, our baby out there with others, fighting for her life." I said, tears coming into my eyes. He stays silent for a moment, just looking at me.

"Can't you understand where I'm coming from?!" I shout at him, getting emotional. He sighs and shakes his head.

"It's too late, it's a rule for initiation now, and if Luna does stay in Dauntless, she will be strong enough to get through and even get a good ranking, she's only a baby, Belle." He explains softly, he moves off the bed, standing in-front of me, being me close to him.

"What would you do if she transferred to another faction when she turns 16?" I ask him, he doesn't say anything for a while.

"There would be nothing I could do, but I wouldn't stop loving her any less, we'd visit her ever chance possible, ever visiting day each year." He told me. I sighed.

"Why am I feeling bad about other initiates I don't even know?" I ask, feeling stupid to be even arguing about this.

"You're being a mother, looking out for other kids and such." He shrugs, "It's probably a woman thing." He says and I scoff, hitting his arm. I move away from him to get dressed.

He turns to me, watching my every move, "But seriously, don't staged me up like that again please, Four wouldn't stop teasing me about it." He grumbles and I fight off a laugh.

I turn to face him, some clothes in hand, "Don't worry, I won't bully you in-front of your friends again." I tease him, laughing as I walked past him, he frowns at me.

"I'm not friends with Four." He grumbles, leaving me in our bedroom alone, leaving to laugh to myself, being scared of him forgotten.

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