Chapter Eight - Rest Your Head

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My hands shake as I put the key into my apartment door, Eric is stood beside me, waiting for me to let him inside, the pictures in my jacket pocket seem like paper weights, weighing me down more than ever. The door finally unlocked and I let him step inside first, and I walked in behind him, no longer needing to check if anyone saw him, he was an official member of Dauntless now.

"So, how do you feel about your ranking?" I ask him, stalling the real reason for him being here. He turned to look at me after looking around my messy apartment, I haven't really had the mind to clean it recently.

"I think I deserved first, not that Stiff." He said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"He got a less time then you through the simulations and had beat you a couple of times during combat, the leaders deemed him first ranking, not me or Amar. What job did you end up with?" I ask, hoping to use all the questions I gathered in my head before I had to really tell Eric, without wussing out.

"I actually got offered the leadership and I excepted, I train for a year before I am an official leader." He tells me, moving to sit beside me as I sit in my sofa.

"I wonder why Four rejected it.." I say to myself, rubbing my hands on my jeans. Eric grabs my hands, stopping me from trying give myself friction burns.

"What's going on?" He asked me, looking me in the eyes. I bite my lip and pull one of my hands from his and pull out one of the creased sonogram pictures. I unfold it and look at it. I place it in his hand then look back up at him.

"I'm pregnant, and you're the father. I couldn't tell you straight away because it was against the rules to even be in a relationship with an initiate, so even if I did tell you, and if it got out we both would've been in so much trouble so I kept quiet for a while, the only people who knew were Tori and Amar, but they kept it a secret and encouraged me to tell you.." I trailed off, and he looked back up at me, after looking at the sonogram.

"You wasn't going to tell me?" He questioned and I shrugged.

"I didn't think you'd want it, whatever gender it is, or after I shoved you away that you wouldn't want anything to do with me and after seeing your fear of being in love or having someone love you, it just made sense at the time to not tell you at all." I explained, playing with our fingers.

"Don't worry about that." He said, rubbing my fingers, "Are you okay though?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I just feel sick from time to time, it's not so bad." I tell him, "Have you been given a place to stay yet?" I asked him and he shakes his head, "Well the offer to live here is on the table." I tell him, "That way you can save your points."

He nods his head with a grin, "Are you trying to tell me you want to give us a go?" And I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Well, what do you want?"

"You." His eyes smoulder and my body heats up. I crack a smile.

"I'm being serious." I laugh at him and he grins at me, I move to stand by the door, he crosses his arms and leans his head on them.

"Come on, we'll let the housing know you're with me." I open the door and step out waiting for him to join me, "Plus we can you a key cut and get you some more clothes and stuff, can't have a leader-in-training look shabby." I say and grasps his hand in mine as I lock the door, I look down at our hands and then back up at him.

"I thought I'd start to let everyone know that you're mine." He said, "I don't let anyone touch anything that belongs to me."

"I'm not sure if I agreed to this.." I laugh as he drags me towards the Pit, I find Ann, she's the head of the housing department, Eric follows me, not liking to talk to people, it's like a despises human contact.

I explain to her that Eric would be rooming with me and she smirks and winks at me and nods, writing something down before shooing us away, talking to some other people who need to be roomed. I turn to Eric.

"Well, roomy, let's get you geared up for life at Dauntless." We walk to the closest clothing store and I turn to Eric.

"So what colour do you want there's black, uh black and more black." He smirks at me and walks ahead, going through jackets, shirts and trousers, picking up plenty. I head over to women's section and stock up on baggier clothing for the months ahead. I quickly grab some boots before going to find Eric, I turn around and find him behind me, causing me to jump.

"Don't make a pregnant women have a heart attack!" I whisper-yell to him, he kisses my forehead and guiding me to the checkout, I pay for my stuff first and Eric is right behind me, I grab my bags and grab his hand once he has his, I guide back to what is now our apartment, and dump my stuff in the living room, slowly taking off my clothes one by one and end up in my underwear when I reach the bed, I curl underneath the covers.

Eric laughs when he finds me, my clothes in his hands, he tosses them to the side of the bed and joins me on the bed, still fully clothed and on top of the covers.

"I'm so tired and I've hardly done anything." I complain quietly, fighting the urge to yawn. I scoot closer to him and curl by his side, his hand makes its way into my hair, twirling the blue around his fingers.

"I never thought the mother of my child would have blue hair." Eric whispered, making me laugh.

"I rock it."

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