Chapter Sixteen - Gold

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Weeks pasted by without any harm or drama. Eric learned more and more each day, both about becoming a leader and becoming a father, at night whilst we were both in bed he would make me tell him what I had read in the pregnancy books I had stashed around the apartment and as I would tell him the little tid-bits about our baby as she grew, he would scoot down the beg and be eye to eye with my stomach, stroking his head against it as he listened to me. We had gotten the babies room ready also, occasionally added new clothes and toys almost day after day.

I even spotted Eric carrying around toys as I walked around the compound, I bit my lips as I spot him one day coming out of a store, holding a teddy bear, look all macho. It made me laugh at how this big soon to be Dauntless leader was carrying around children toys around the compound. I was surprised nobody made fun out of him for it, but then again, not many people wanted to mess with Eric. I had grown in size also, and the waddle that I had seen other pregnant women sport as they walked, became something I have now, Eric thought it was cute but it annoyed me not being able to walk like a normal human, I did feel like a penguin.

I did have an early leave from work, meaning I had more time to spend at home, preparing for the birth and spending more time with Eric. He come home every time, day in day out, and I'd be at home playing the homemaker, for the time being anyway. I'd have some food ready, the apartment would be clean and if I wasn't reading on the sofa, I'd be in the babies room, folding new clothes or just sitting in the room, looking around. He'd know where to find me each day without fault, he wouldn't have to look anywhere else. I had to start wearing his t-shirts around the house, without trousers, because the clothes had become too constricting for me to be able to be comfortable.

I had seen Four around whenever I had to pop out for random things for the apartment or myself, he had to do a double take each time he'd seen me, I'd laugh at how big his eyes would be each time. It's like he'd forgot that I had basically became a human submarine.

"So, how's it working at intelligence?" I asked him one time as we both looked around some clothes, this was before I had to walk around in Eric's baggy shirts.

He shrugged before answering me, "It had it's moments, plus you find out things before others, it's like being everyone's eyes and ears all at once. It's weird, but strangely cool at the same time." I nodded as I listened to him explain himself, then pursed my lips.

"So basically, your inner self is a girl who likes to gossip?" I jokingly ask him, he smirks for a moment, then shakes his head.

"You're so annoyingly funny, I don't know whether to laugh or just walk away because of the things you say half of the time." Four laughs as we both walk towards the pit, my stomach grumbles a little as we make our way down there. As we continue to walk and talk our way down there, I jump when I feel a hand on my back, I turn to see Eric walking the other side of me; Four on my left, Eric on my right. I smile up at him and he just leans down and kisses my forehead, Four just glances over at us for a moment before looking straight ahead.

"Have you eaten at all today?" Eric asks me quietly, his eyes moving to Four for a split second before connecting with mine, I sheepishly grin at him as my stomach grumbles again, guilty. He shakes his head at me, but I know he's probably going to try and feed me all the food available.

I move towards the seat when we get there, Four and Eric get themselves, and me, some food before joining me at the table. Eric shoves over a tray nearly covered in food, I roll my eyes but smile at him before digging in, almost moaning when the empty feeling leaves my stomach.

"So," Four starts, swallowing the food in his mouth before continuing to talk, "When are you due exactly? So I know when to prepare myself for the ultimate Dauntless child?" He grins at me and I laugh a little.

"I'm actually due in about 3 months, I recently hit the 6 month mark." I explain to him. He hums, putting his attention back to his food as he sits beside me, Eric in-front of me. I notice Eric's eyes look at Four again, before looking at me, then turning his attention back to his food, what could that be about? Before I could fully think about it, I started to feel hungry again, so I started eating, forgetting about Eric and Four for a while.

Eric leads me back to the apartment, explaining to me that he had to work late tonight, more training for the leadership position, I smile up at him, letting him know I'm okay with being home alone. Before I could turn to enter the apartment, Eric stops me, grabbing my hand.

"You'd tell me if something was going on between you and Four right?" He asked, his face clear of emotions, it was hard figuring out what Eric was thinking half of the time, I would try to use the persons face to try to deduce what the person would ask and why they would need an answer, but with Eric, it was like trying to read words from a blank page. Nothing was there to deduce an answer.

"Eric, there is nothing between Four and I other then friendship, this was the first time I'd actually had a conversation and had seen him for more than a minute, he's constantly working and I'm always here, waiting for the person I love to come home." I say to him, hoping to get rid of these jealous feelings that keep coming up whenever I'm with Four.

Eric's shoulders sag, and I lean up to kiss him, Eric leans down a little to met my lips, a brief kiss before he leaves me standing outside our apartment. I sigh and head inside, rushing to the bed to lay down, feeling exhausted just from walking around the compound alone, the rest of the things I have to do are put to the back of my mind.

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