Chapter Nine - Blue

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When I wake up, a now partially naked Eric is laying next to me, snoring quietly. I smile and move closer to him, trying to get warmer. I don't know what he did or where he went whilst I fell asleep, but I didn't care, I trusted him already, which shocked me a little, trust wasn't something that happened straight away with me, but he had a way to worm his way through my walls. I move so my head is on his shoulder and my right arm goes over his chest, I close my eyes just enjoying the moment.

Minutes later, I felt fingers running across my back. I open my eyes and move my head to look up at him.  I hummed and smiled as I saw him awake, already looking down at me.

"You look beautiful." He told me, I scoffed, knowing that in-fact my hair probably looked like a birds nest right now.

"Right, okay." I joked, and he grinned at me, his face getting closer to mine.

"Babe, have you ever sat on a face that's not honest?" He continue to grin at me, referring to the activities that happened late last night, I blushed and hit his chest, where did he come up with something like that?

"It's early morning, stop being so crude." I said, secretly loving his dirty side, it made me feel funny. I grabbed the bedsheets, pulling them closer to me, feeling a slight breeze come in from the open windows, it got so hot last night that I had to leave them open for the room to chill.

I sighed as I cuddled back up to his body, I couldn't get enough of skin on skin. His hand slowly made it's way down my body, towards my lower stomach and he stopped, as if he was just checking that the news I told was actually true, that I was pregnant. Because of the time between us sleeping and him becoming an official Dauntless member, my stomach had time to swell a little, and harden, it wasn't as squishy as it used to be. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand massage my skin, it felt relaxing.

"When are you supposed to meet with Max then?" I ask him, remembering that he supposed to learn everything behind being a leader, I was proud that he got the position, even with the sheer luck that Four didn't want it, I later learned he took a position in the control room, checking cameras and such, he even took the part-time initiate instructor position for next year, so he and I would be training them together.

"In the next hour or so." He said after glancing at the alarm clock, it read 7:03AM, I sighed and decided it was time to get up, we had busy days ahead and I knew we both needed a shower, and some decent food before we worked long shifts. I knew I had plenty to catch up at the shop with Tori, she more or less had been working doubles when I couldn't and I knew I had to pay her back somehow, so I had told her a few nights back that she could take a few days off whilst I would take care of the shop.

I got up out of bed, Eric stretched slightly, getting used to not having my head on his shoulder, and stayed in bed, moving his arms behind his head, grinning as he looked over at me. I grabbed some clean clothes from the closet and turned to him before I headed into the bathroom.

"Are you joining me or what?" I asked then squealed when he chased me into the bathroom.

40 minutes later, we were both heading out of the apartment, I turn to look at him as I lock the door, he's leaning against the wall of the corridor, looking around before meeting my eyes. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I'll get your key ready for today, since I'll probably be home before you, I'll cook us something too, so don't stop by the Pit once you're done today, okay?" I tell him, he nods and I kiss him quickly on the lips, when I try to pull back and he pulls me back to him and smacks his lips on mine again, harder that what I did previously. I smile against his lips and he holds me there a little longer. We both pull back this time and I think he's gotten his fix, for now.

"Okay, I'll see you later, baby." He says and walks the opposite direction to me, towards Max's office, I sigh and head down towards the shop, opening up and getting machines ready for tattooing, preparing myself for long day. When I get a break, I head out for a snack and get a copy of the apartment key for Eric, that doesn't take long so I head back to the shop, watching people walk by and I just read a book I managed to find in the library, it was based on what to expect on pregnancies and I hid it quick whenever I thought people were going to come in, I was that paranoid about people finding out before I wanted to.

I was surprised when I saw Eric and Max come into the shop at around 2PM, I smile at them both.

"Hey boys, what can I do for you?" I ask, a little suspicious as to why they're both here. Max smiles at me.

"Eric told me the good news, congratulations." My eyebrows furrow and then I realise what he means and blush, thanking him, "Although, it occurred to me, to realise you're so far along must mean this happened before Eric passed initiation, right?" And I froze.

Why does all the bad shit happen to me?

My eyes move to Eric's, his face emotionless.

Fuck you too, Eric.

My eyes move back to Max.

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