Chapter Twenty-Five - Smart Mouthed

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We had kicked out two initiates, they were our lowest rankings from the simulations, I watched with Four as one of them cried and pleaded to stay within the compound, Eric just stared at her and she just walked beside him and the other initiate, who just seemed to in a trance about everything. I couldn't help the nagging feeling inside me that this was so wrong, it was, but I knew it was now a rule within Dauntless initiation.

I remembering sighing when Eric came back from escorting them from the compound.

Now, we were in our weapons training portion of initiation, Eric had a hold of Luna in the back of the room as I showed the initiates how to correctly throw a knife and have it stick into the target, as I turned to look back at the initiates, Eric and Luna caught my eye, he was grinning at me as he got Luna to clap, his hands guiding hers to hit together softly.

I smirked to myself before looking around the initiates, grabbing another knife and throwing it without looking at the target, I heard it hit the target, some of the initiates eyes widened.

"Think you can at-least get it to the stick into the target?" I ask them, they don't reply so I roll my eyes and just wave my hand towards the knives, they all scramble and stand opposite the targets, readying themselves. I walk over to Eric and Luna, watching as he bounces his legs, making her bounces also, smiling a little, something she had started to do, I had first noticed it last week, when I was keeping her occupied with the teddy Eric had bought and the one I held whilst I was in labour.

She held her hands out and smiled a little, not quite a full smile, but her lips were pulled up like she was trying to.

"Hello." I sing to her, kneeling down to her, playing with her, occasionally checking on the initiates behind us, "I'll be back." I tell Eric, kissing Luna's forehead and kissing his lips quickly before rushing over to them, checking their stances and how they throw. As I walked past a Candor transfer, a guy with brown hair, a smirk on his face.

"Something funny?" I ask him, turning back to him, he just continues to smirk at me.

"Did you get through your initiation by banging a leader?" He asked and I smirk at him, his falters as he looks at me.

"What do you mean?" I say to him, looking and sound as innocent as possible, I step towards him, "I was already a leader before I had my baby, I was already a leader before I met Eric, I was already first ranking before Eric transferred, are you trying to have sex with a leader for a good ranking because, the only other leaders left are Amar and Max.." I trail off, snickering to him.

"I don't think you'd be getting anywhere trying to intimidate a leader any time soon." I tell him, walking away. Eric watches me as I walk away from him, his face showing his confusion as to what just happened.

"Get back to throwing or you can do laps, your choice." I shouted as I walked away from them. I stalked back over to Eric.

"What did he say?" He asked as soon as I sat beside him, I huffed and leaned back against the wall.

"He thought you were older than me and that I slept with you to get a good ranking and become a leader, and that Luna was the result of it. I basically told him that if he was looking for a leader to sleep with Max and Amar were the only ones left." I said to him and he snorted.

"Maybe I should tell them both to watch out, that a male initiate could hit on them some time soon." Eric laughed, I laughed a little and reached over and took Luna away from him, "Have fun with them." I tell him, basically handing the initiates over to him, I couldn't be bothered with teaching them further for the day.

I watched as he continued to instruct initiates, being harder on the Candor initiate that gave me grief. I stood with Luna and took her out of the training room, I took her to visit Tori for a while before going back to find Eric. The training room was quiet and I couldn't see anyone around at first, until I looked in one of the far corners to find Eric standing with an initiate, the said initiate, a girl from Amity, leaned up and grabbed Eric's face, kissing him.

I gasped, clutching Luna as her lips continued against his, he pulled back, looking shocked, before his eyes turned to me.

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