Chapter Two - Queen

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Days went by and the initiates almost perfected their gun skills, we were know making our way to knife throwing, rankings change each day based on how quick they learned and how perfect their shots stuck to the boards, but they wasn't official until the fights began, and then some would be cut. The initiates strolled in and I eyed them all one by one before hold up a knife and turning and throwing the knife with ease, watching as it stuck into the centre of the target before going over and yanking it out, I turn and look at the initiates.

Eric's eyes on me, his look smouldering, almost making me weak at the knees.

"Think you can handle knifes?" I ask, my eyes on his for a second longer and then I look at the others, some mumbles rise and I asked again, "think you can handle it?" My voice rises.

"Yes, ma'am" they reply and move to grab knifes, I toss mine back into the pile and watch as a hand reaches out and grabs it, I look up and notice that Eric grasps it and his eyes meet mine.

Brown meets blue.

I also notice that he's had a hair I cut, the sides are shorter and the rest is gelled back, and it looks... Hot. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and ruin it, make it messy, but I pushed those feelings and thoughts away, knowing that it was against the rules for an initiate/citizen romance or any relationship that isn't friendly.

Amar comes in 20 minutes later, slightly out of breath.

"Sorry, I overslept a little, did you wake them up?" He asks and I shake my head.

"They just waltz in but don't worry, I got them started." I said, smiling at him. He nods and starts to check on them, giving tips and such, he goes to the Abnegation transfer and speaks to him, helping him with stance and tips to get the knife to stick. I walk the other half. All of a sudden I nearly hit the floor but get my balance, I glance over and find David, the Candor from the other day fighting a grin, I turn and get into his personal.

"Think it's funny to trip your instructor, Candor?" I ask, his face stops with the smirks.

"No ma'am." He answered, throwing a knife and missing the target.

"Put them down and do 20 laps around the room, then get back to throwing." I say to him and he nods, looking like he wants to argue with me, but holds his tongue, I smile, knowingly full well what he would do to me if could, he has no chance against fighting me. He starts his laps and I go back to checking the initiates.

Eric throws one and I watch as it twirls in the air before sticking into the target, I nod to myself.

"Nice, initiate." I say as I walk past him. I glance back at him and see that his eyes are on me, I quickly look at the initiate beside me, and help her with her stance, setting her feet apart.

"Take a break guys." Amar shouts out 2 hours, after we get them to run around the training room. Some of them groan from the ache in their bodies, but most deal with it. I unzip my jacket and throw it to the side, my black vest top showing my decorated arm, a blossom tree taking up the length of my arm.

"How do you feel about starting fights when they get back?" Amar asked, starting to put people in pairs for fights.

I nod to myself, "I think they're ready, this is quickest we've gone through guns and knives so perhaps it's time to get them prepared and ready to fight for ranks." I said, Amar hummed and continued to write on the board.

"I'll be right back, I said to Tori I'd drop by the shop to check up on bookings." Amar waved me off and I jogged towards the tattoo shop, I noticed some initiates inside, looking at some designs.

"Hey Tori." I called out as she was tattooing an initiate, she looked up and waved before going back to work.

"What are you doing here?" An initiate from Amity questions me, I look up from the booking book behind the desk.

"What do you think I do when I don't train initiates, I've got to make a living to keep up with payments." I said, almost condescendingly, she blushes a little and walks away to look at some other designs that are scattered on the wall.

"Can I actually help any of you with anything?" I question them, they almost seem scared to ask me for something.

"Yeah actually," I hear a voice to the side of me, I look up to find Eric leaning against the desk. I stand up fully, crossing my arms over my chest, his eyes flicker down for less then a second but I don't feel angry about it, instead it's quite the opposite.

"Then what can I help you with?" I ask

"How about we just start with an eyebrow piercing." He says, pointing to the eyebrow of choice, I nod and gather the equipment and piercing bar and balls ready. I tap the chair and he sits and I prepare myself to stick the needle just above his eyebrow.

"Ready?" I ask and he just nods, clenching his jaw, and I shove the needle throw quickly and I unscrew one of the balls of the eyebrow piercing and quickly slide it throw the piercing hole, taking the needle out and screw the ball back onto the bar.

"All done" I state, getting down from tiptoes when I realise he's much taller than I am, even sat up on the chair. He smiles a little and walks out of the shop, since initiates get free clothing, piercings and clothing courtesy of the faction, as some form of bribery to work harder during initiation.

Other initiates don't do anything else so I walk back to the training room, finding Amar putting away some of the gear that was used today, I quickly go over and help him, clearing the room minutes before the initiates come back. They glance at us, confused as to why there isn't any guns or knives around.

"Check the board to see who you'll be fighting against, we have an hour to go the basics before fights begin and this is where the real rankings are set in place, if you're under the red line, ranked 16 'til 21, you're out. Factionless. So you better be prepare to literally fight for your life." I say and me and Amar pretend to fight each other, to show initiates quick ways to pin their opponents and moves that they probably wouldn't think of whilst in the ring. I notice that Eric's eyes follow my body and it moves around the mat, and where Amar places his hands as he grabs me to pin me, his jaw clenches, much like it did when I pierced his eyebrow.

Is he jealous? I start to flush, but nobody thinks anything of it, thinking that my body is just warming up from escaping Amar's hold.

I shove the feelings away once again.

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