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What has the Mystic RP done to us? We cried, we laughed,

And we did this...

'Wish shook her head and turned on Vivilion and snarled. "Then if you die, no one could bring you back. You see?! In the end someone gets hurt, no matter how much you try! And Bones can't die because she is DEATH! I can't take it anymore! I don't want to be burdened! I don't want to be a Mystic! I want to lead a regular life, happy and carefree, and sure, I may encounter some bad things, but at least I don't have to control dreams! I cause pups to have nightmares, even though I don't try!" She barked, her voice rising, and upset visible in her eyes. The golden dust swirled around her, creating a tornado.'

Jref519 Made That Rant

I made this to tell StuckInADayDream14 what happened when she was gone.

'(*Inhale* Bones arrived after whispering could be heard all over the island. Bones first killed some plants and most of the liquid death, the black liquid, is covering the camp. You die if you touch it or become a Shodaws wolf. That's what Spark/Electrina did. Electrina, Bones, and all the other Shodaws wolf started to attack the Mystics. They fought back. Bones made a large ravine like thing, and it grew for a long time. Electrina, and she returned to Spark, fell into the ravine, and 'died'. The Minerals Wolf, played by Ivy, is going to save her. Bones got dropped in, but she can't die, because she's the Death Wolf. But now, a white and multi-colored wolf appeared, and stopped the ravine form growing anymore, but believes that a wolf other than Bones is still alive. *Exhale and inhale* That wolf is Spark.)'

For the same thing, IvystarOfIvyclan made this to explain what happened.

'Okay, so all the Mystics battled against the Shodaws and the death wolf, Bones, and Spark fell into a crevasse, and this one new wolf, the elements wolf, Wisp, has come, and now there's colored lights coming from the crevasse. Oh, and the water wolf was found, and Shadow doesn't like him. I forgot where he is...'

I didn't even mention the Water Wolf...



StuckInADayDream14 TMNTSquad @IvystarOfIvyclan -Kory- RemeberWinter Jref519

What has it done to us...?

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