I can handle my own problems.

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I was walking on a sidewalk crowded with middle and high schoolers with my friend, and she commented that she hated when people on front of her walked slowly.

So I said, "Same here. If the person in front of me is walking slower than a dying snail I should be able to kill them."

The group of people in front of me must've overheard because they suddenly started walking faster. Now I should mention I was talking in general, and these two people in front of me were not bothering me. They weren't walking slowly.

But anyways, my friend was like, "Yes! We should!"

And then this girl with hot pink hair turned around and snapped at me, "Well you could just ask us  to move instead of talking bad behind our backs."

And she hadn't even been a part of the group originally behind us.

Then she turned and walked off.

first of all, I want even talking to you or anyone in particular. I was talking that in general. Secondly, shouldn't you be minding your own business? Third, if I had wanting to go fast and you were too slow, I would've walked around you into that grass field right there.

But that girl with pink hair was gone.

Like seriously, I can handle my own problems without your bubble gum looking self telling me how.

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