i got tagged so this in a thing

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I was tagged by ThePatronusWriter

Here's a lit of the rules for the tag.

'So, basically you think about a time in your life and write a REALLY SHORT SHORT STORY about it. 

OR you can write a story about a popular series. 

OR you can write one based on one of your OTHER BOOKS. 

LASTLY, you can write an original short story. 

And by short, I mean one chapter!'

I'm going to be doing a short story based on one of my books. The book is Blind, so I'd really suggest reading all the currently posted chapters of Blind before you read this.
(and maybe while you're reading Blind, you could vote and comment? 


okay okay. VOTE AND COMMENT)

By the way, since each chapter of Blind is about 500-600 words, I'm going to try to keep the short story that long too. It could be less though.


What Could've Been (A 'Blind' Short Story)

I smiled ear-to-ear as I walked down the aisle. My father and mother weren't able to make it to the wedding, so I had my step-mother walk me down the aisle instead. That's what happens when you can't see anything. Everyone wants to offer you help with everything. That included my step-mother, Zaila.

I stepped carefully down the aisle in my slip-on lacy white shoes. I would've worn high-heels like every other girl would on their wedding day, but I can't walk in them.

Zaila whispered in my ear, "You're here."

I stood at the altar, Zaila helping me to face the groom. I could only imagine what we looked like. I heard Zaila's footsteps walking  towards her seat.

I had tears of joy in my eyes.

"Friends and family of the bride and groom," I heard a voice announce.

I had rehearsed this part several times in my mind, and repeated mentally alongside the officiant. He continued on through the introduction, then moved on to the respectful mentioning of those that couldn't make it today.

"At this time, we'd like to take a moment of silence for those who are not here with us today. Even though they may not be here physically, they are a part of the foundation that made the bride and the groom who they both are today. May we always remember Finn Kunay and Isabela Kunay. Please cherish the memories of these family members and all others who will forever live on in our hearts."

I nodded slightly at the mention of my parents' names.  I could almost feel everyone else doing the same.

"Your marriage begins with the vows and promises you speak to one another today."

My heart skipped a beat. This was really happening. I was getting married.

"The marriage vow is a promise of fidelity and honesty."

"Nicholis Strenam, do you love Isla Kunay willingly and completely, withholding nothing? Will you protect her, and give her your deepest considerations of her feelings, desires and needs?"

"I will." My groom, Nicholis, said calmly.

How was he keeping so calm? I was going to have a heart attack any second now. He's really good at hiding his panic. Is my own nervousness obvious?

"Will you strive to keep your love flexible, and adapt to the changing circumstances in the marriage? And will you be Isla's counselor, helpmate, sweetheart and lover, and her best friend, from this day forward?"

"I will." Nicholis said, again in such a calm voice.

"Isla Kunay, do you love Nicholis Strenam willingly and completely, withholding nothing? Will you protect him, and give your deepest considerations of his feelings, desires, and needs?"

"I will." I said, breathing deeply. I closed my eyes for a second to gain myself.

"Will you strive to keep your love flexible, and adapt to the changing circumstances in the marriage? And will you be Nicholis' counselor, helpmate, sweetheart and lover, and his best friend, from this day forward?"

"I will." I said, keeping my chin up.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."


I tore awake suddenly. It wasn't real. It was just... a dream. Just a dream.

I was still in the middle of the woods after Nicholis had kicked me out.

I sat still, breathing heavily. I stared at a leaf on the ground blankly because now I was faced with a question I could not answer:

Was that a dream-come-true or a nightmare?


BOOM. Bet you weren't expecting that were, ya?

But seriously, I could plan a wedding right now.

Don't question it if this wedding isn't 100% accurate, alright? I used the internet for almost all of it, and it's hard to fit an entire wedding into 600 words, so don't judge.










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