My Class

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My class is super weird...


here are a few of the students (I wont use their names)


some of these things might be considered rude, but I speak my mind, and if can't you handle that, I suggest you leave now

Elephant Ears- This kid has gigantic ears. Like, the biggest ears I've veer seen ever. okay, and this kid is 'the class clown' but I really don't think he's that funny. ._.

Obsessive Crush- This kid is insanely loud (louder than me honestly) and never really pays attention, and also has a horrible sense of humor. If I fell onto a spike, got impaled, and broke both my legs, this person would probably laugh. Especially if Elephant Ears was laughing...

Scissors Kid-This kid sits to my right in class. AND THEY ALWAYS MESS AROUND WITH A PAIR OF HALF BROKEN SCISSORS. THEY THROW THEM IN THE AIR, AND SPIN THEM AROUND ON THEIR FINGERS Like, wtfudge man, you're gonna stab someone's eye out.

Horse Kid-This person has long hair and neighs like a horse. Don't ask me.

Obsessive Fangirls- Two people in my class fit this descrition. They fangirl over this weird show, and never shut up about it. EVER. They fangirl about the show together, and they had waaaaaaaay too many 'ships'.

Hypocrite Kid-I made a whole chapter complaining about this kid. Has anger issues, is a hypocrite, never turns on work, somehow DOESN'T get in trouble, etc. sound familiar? Yeah, probably.

There's more than that, but I have the worst memory, so I can post another chapter tomorrow, with more people

(btw, I am actually one of these. Can you guess which one?)

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